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"I will call you later mom, yeah yeah it is Talay, he says hi too. See you!" I ended the call and walked in from the balcony.

Yes, how observant you are! Indeed, we moved into a duplex six months ago, so we have a balcony and no upstairs or downstairs neighbours. Yey!

"VEERA!" This time the voice was coming from closer.

"Yes darling?" I met him at the beginning of the stairs.

He showed me my new book which hit the bookstores early that day, "did you really dedicate it to me?"

I chuckled, "why did you buy it? I had a copy for you, you know."

"It is my hobby, I also check the placement whether they gave you the front shelves or not," he said truthfully, then he remembered why he was wigwagging the novel, "don't change the topic, answer me!"

I let out another chuckle, but this time it was louder. How adorable he was!

"Of course I dedicated it to you. How many soulmates do you think I have?"

"Aww, you always make me cry," he threw himself in my arms.

"It is not my fault, you are a crybaby," I teased him and he bit my neck.


"You deserved it, hehe!"

I did deserve it, but I was happy to deserve it. Talay was the best thing that ever happened to me (excluding my family) and thanks to him, I felt like the world claimed me again. Well, I still had social phobia, but it wasn't that serious anymore and Talay's nightmares stopped for good. We are still trying to cope with our phobias, but at least we have each other.

To my soulmate,

not black or white... I like blue the most...


Don't go yet, I will update a small EXTRA tomorrow ^^

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