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A day on the beach

"I didn't know they were this... close..." Veera's mother, Fan said, seeing Talay clenching on his son like a koala in the sea.

"Dear, it is because my son has sea fear," Talay's mother, Kaew replied with a sad smile, "Veera is just trying to help him."

"Oh, I am sure Veera is doing more than to help," Fan chuckled and rose to her feet from her portable chair, "let's set the table now, the boys should be hungry."

Happy to not be asked about his son's phobia, Kaew followed her friend and they walked to the portable table where their husbands were playing Go.

"Gentlemen, sorry to interrupt, but it is lunch time," Fan said, putting her hands on her husband's shoulders.

"Haha, gladly!" Badin exclaimed as he was losing the game.

"Your enthusiasm tells me you are aware that I am winning," Kla declared with a grin and Kaew hit his arm to shush him.

Badin let out a hearty laughter at her polite reaction, "no need, Kaew, I am aware that I have no chance against your husband."

With that, all four burst into laughter. It was good to gain new friends thanks to their sons' relationship.

As the beach was almost empty, their laughter was audible from the sea.

"They seem to have so much fun," Veera commented with a pleased smile while Talay's grip got tighter around his body.

"Don't look at them, give your attention to me, I don't want to drown!"

Veera chuckled at his whining, "how can you drown in this position, my little koala?"

"Don't laugh! Hold me tighter!" Talay commanded, and obeying, Veera pushed him a bit up, supporting his circled legs with his arms.

"Don't worry, I will never let you drown," he promised and captured his boyfriend's lips to ease his panic.

They kissed for a good minute before Talay broke the kiss, his face all flustered despite being in the cool water.

"You can't use the same tactic all the time," the small man reprimanded his sneaky boyfriend.

Simpering, Veera stole another kiss, "I can," he said and stole one more kiss, "and I will!"

"Veera!" Talay cupped his face to stop his attacks, "our families are here! Behave!"

"DEAR MOTHERS AND FATHERS!" Veera shouted suddenly, making four heads turn towards them, "WOULD YOU MIND IF WE KISS A BIT?"





Getting shy, Talay hid his face in Veera's neck, "this is so embarrassing!"

"Really?" Veera patted his head, "we had sex in your family house, this is nothing!"

"VEERA!" A wet slap!

"Okay okay, I won't bother you anymore, just give me a kiss."

"And why would I do that?" Talay challenged him, trying to look cold.

"Because I love you and you love me?"

Well, that was a valid point; therefore, Talay raised his head and smashed their lips.


The End!!

Thank you so much for reading and I hope you enjoyed it (if you did, please leave a vote or comment, or both)🌺

🌺 A universe-big thanks to my lovely angels who were always by my side through this short yet sweet journey, lav ya sooo much! 🌺  

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