21. Be My Boyfriend

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Talay was kissing me!

And it was more than a peck!

Avidly, I circled my arms around his waist and pulled him more to myself. Now there was no more confusion; I loved him... I loved him so much that my heart was trying to get out of its place.


Hearing the voice, we broke the kiss and I got the second abashment of the day. Talay's mother was standing in front of the door with a tray with two cups of coffee.


"I will go buy one more... enjoy!" she exclaimed and rushed out of the door, discreetly closing it behind herself.

"How come my mom is here?!" Talay asked with wide open eyes.

I scratched my nape, "I don't know where she learnt about it, but she has been here for a while."

Talay's eyes widened even more, almost falling out of their eye pockets. Hitting my arm, he shouted "and now you tell me this?!"

"I am sorry, I was about to tell you, but... you..."

Remembering the kiss, he blushed all over and averted his gaze shyly. As he wasn't saying anything, a sudden fear besieged my heart. Trying to control my voice, I asked "was it a mistake?"

"No!" he exclaimed in horror and looked at me again, "I... super like you," he confessed with a small voice, making me the happiest man alive.

With excitement, I grabbed his hands, "I love you too."

Although I expected a lovely grin or at least a hug, Talay just kept looking at me as if he wanted to cry.

"What's wrong?" I asked with a hoarse voice, not understanding what the problem was.

"I..." he lowered his head and his shoulders stooped dejectedly, "I feel like using you."

"Ha?" That was unexpected.

"You only see me everyday and you are not comfortable around people, so I feel like using your trust for my personal agenda," he said with a cracked voice, making me breathe in relief.

I raised his head up, "you are NOT using me, you are an amazing person, and that's why it was unavoidable for me to fall for you. You make me feel happy and cared for."

He teared up, but still not giving in. Sniffing, he murmured "still..."

"No stills," I cut him off, "I wasn't raised in a box, I went to university, had friends, but none of them caused those damn butterflies in my gut; none of them understood me better than you. So please, just let me be your boyfriend."

"O-Kay," Talay said, sobbing, and threw himself on me. Chuckling, I hugged him tight and felt extremely happy for the first time in the last four years.

In order to celebrate, I thought a kiss would be appropriate, but before I could make it, the door got knocked and Talay's mother entered the room with an all-knowing smile.

"Can I come in now?" she asked, shifting her gaze between me and her son.

"Mae!" Talay exclaimed again with a shy expression, making his mother chuckle.

"I am glad it worked out between you," she teased him and I was agasted.

Was he talking with her about us?!

Talay hid his head in his palms and she decided to let us off the hook. As if. She came near the bed and patted Talay's messy hair, "I am glad you are okay, you gave us quite a fright, but luckily you got yourself a nice young man."

"Mae, please stop before I die out of embarrassment," Talay begged, holding her hand and she nodded sympathetically.

"Since Veera is here, I will go now," she patted his hair one more time, "next week, call me when you have time, I will tell you something important," she said, but this time her focus was on me. With that, I understood that she was talking about his accident in Japan.

"What is it, mae?" Talay asked nervously.

"Don't worry, no one is dying and you are not adopted," she reassured him in an interesting way, "it is just about a past matter."

Talay looked up to her with apparent suspicion, so she said "if you really wonder, call me soon." Then she walked out of the room while I was waiiying her.

"She was suspicious," Talay said, rubbing his chin, his squinted eyes on the closed door.

"Well, I find you more suspicious," I commented, staring at him intently.

He got stiff and looked at me with a nervous smile, showing he knew exactly what I was talking about. "What do you mean?" he still asked in an attempt to prolong the pretence.

"Are you talking with your mom about us?" I didn't beat around the bush.

He shrugged with a little smile, "sometimes, hehe."

"How much does she know?" I asked, oscillating between freaking out and being flattered.

"Well," scratched his neck, "I have been telling her about my next-door man crush for a while."

I looked at him in awe, "how long... nevermind, tell me this, when did you start liking me?"

He shrugged, "I don't know. Maybe it started when you suggested sleeping on the floor to help me... or maybe it was when you got over your fears and carried me into your flat when I was sick..."

"That early?" I asked with astonishment.

He nodded shyly, biting his lower lip, then he asked "how about you?"

I shook my head with a shrug, "I don't know, I just did, I guess."

He hit my arm, "you are not romantic at all!"

I let out a chuckle, then I remembered something. Holding his hand back, I asked "if you liked me, then why did you pretend as if I didn't kiss you that night?"

He sighed, "I thought you kissed me in a moment of daze, I didn't think you did it because you liked me."

I flicked his forehead, saying "silly!"

"Ah!" he cried out, rubbing his forehead, "is this how you treat your boyfriend?"

Oh, my boyfriend... it sounded so perfect...


A slightly early update for my cutie meimei(s) who can't wait^^ 

How did you like the chapter? Don't be shy to vote and comment, haha 🌺🌺

Btw, tomorrow, I will upload the next chapter^^

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