IV: Obvious But Stay Hidden.

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3rd POV

Weekdays come to an end and the group of friends planned to meet up. Soobin suggested to play bowling since they still don't have a lot of things to do.

They were in their second year and surely, having fun is their priority.

The whiskered let the days passed, letting the brunette be herself and avoiding to approach her. Scared that if she tried to make the other talk more, she'll get more uncomfortable, but ofcourse, her eyes failed her as it keeps on glancing and watching the other.

"I'm so excited, I haven't played one" Yuna squealed as the group entered the bowling center, making her friends chuckled at her acts.

"Yeah, looks like it" soobin tapped her head before heading to the counter, talking to the person managing this place.

"Let's make a bet?" The red head suggested as they finally sat on the couch, after renting bowling shoes and choosing their balls. "It makes things more exciting" she followed.

"Do you have anything in mind?" The shortest questioned, probably thinking of one that she'll get benefit. "Foods?.. what do you say?"

"Excellent" soobin happily said and proceed to do his turn. "Let's have multiple rounds so each of us can have a chance to win".

With a little experience, he managed to knock out most of the pins and strike on his second throw.

The first game went on and unexpectedly ending to have the whiskered, their loser or have the lowest score.

"No 'Ryujin Always Wins' is allowed here" the maknae proudly put her hands on her waist as she stands, mocking the shortest.

"It's just the beginner's luck" she's not buying the teasing and stand up, making the taller shin sit. "You better shit down, if want to eat"

The two just watched the Shins behaving as they should be.

"I'll choose the food, it's my money after all" she spoke and leaved her friends. Not accepting their requests.

For the following rounds, Ryujin seems like wanting to take her revenge and embody her title. They ended up having a total of five games.

Ryujin takes the lead with the two and each for the three. She takes the second when her friends won so she do not have to do any of the decided punishment.

Nothing is serious with their punishment. Yuna just need to do their homework for a week, but ofcourse her older friends just said it, not letting the maknae suffer with their incoming assignments. While soobin should carry all of their stuffs for the whole week. Then chaer is for getting their foods for a week.

It's time for the shortest to laugh while her friends just give her glares and scoffs for her annoying ass.

After playing they planned to stay in Yuna's condo and play some games there.

Leaving the area, the whiskered stepped out first, still smiling as every glance she make to her friends, they look like they wanted to hit their friend... Nonstop.

But her smiles was halted when a familiar figure caught her attention.

Watching from a bit far, she noticed that there are three people following her and that might made her bothered as she started to walk that soon turned to run.

She didn't know why but her mind can't get away from the certain brunette. Since the day that they met, knowing that she'll just be around her, Ryujin wanted to get closer to her.

Then they turned on the alleyway, still tailing the brunette and the whiskered fasten her pace until she turned on the say alley, only to see her being cornered while the group throws trashes on her.

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