XIX: Hate To Admit, Maybe.

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I don't feel bad about it. I'm not mad that he got to be classmates with Yeji for this year while I'm not. No, I really don't feel anything against it.

Maybe disappointed that we'll spend less time together since we'll be both busy in our own class but a small no foe feeling sad about it and a huge yes of wishing I should've been in that class.

Now that I'm in this class, Chaeryeong and I decided to sit beside each other so we could chat and help each other throughout the class. But I feel bad about spacing out. Yes she's mostly the one doing it but I guess I adapted that trait from spending too much time with her and I stared at the sky outside the window since it's just the first day of school and teachers just introduce themselves and leave or even sometimes didn't even came to their supposed time.

I can hear her blabbing about something but it just cam get registered to my brain and form any appropriate response but just a nod or a humm. Hope I won't get any smack in my head later.

'what she's doing right now?'

'does she talk and sit beside soobin?'

'did the teachers arrived?'

'do their new classmates treat her right?'

'oh my Gosh.. why is it so long for this to end'

I was so lost in my thoughts that I didn't noticed that a red hand was snapping in front of me.

"Yah, penny for your thoughts? My fingers turned to red already but you just noticed it now" Lia spoke. She wanted to sit beside me but I already dragged chaeryeong to, so she decided to sit on the chair in front of us.

"It's just... The time is so slow." I whispered and bowed my head.

Lia then prompted her elbow on our desk, completely turning around her seat, then resting her chin on her palm. "Relax, the school just started and you're complaining already".

"She's right.. and oh! It'll be lunch soon so we'll meet again later. Ha.... I hoped we didn't got mixed up" Chaeryeong said and slumped on her seat, putting down her phone.

"Speaking of lunch. Since I'm new here... Can I tag along? I know I can eat with my brother but I'm getting tired of his face so please...." She moved closer to us and I can't really decide right now that I'm pretty occupied with my own thoughts.

Also, it's not that I don't want her around. Just want to consider if my friends will be fine with her tagging along with us.

"You chaer?" I turned to look at her, giving her the chance to decide. "It's fine with me" I followed.

"Yeah ofcourse, it'll be more fun adding another one on our usual table" Chaer smiled as Lia showed her little dance as if she won something special.

"Thank you! Thank you!" She continued to squeal and started to shake Chaeryeong's shoulder, then soon moved on holding mine and shaking me as well.

I let out a chuckle from her action that's like a kid. Until we heard the rang bell, finally.

I was about to stand up and removed her hand when the voice I haven't heard since I went in this room, was heard.

"Ryujiah" as a reflex, my head quickly turned to the direction where the voice was coming and smiled as I finally see her standing on the door frame.

Her face is glowing while doing those little acts, signing her hand for me to come over.

So I quickly stand up and walked or jog to her. "Hey... Are you alright to your class?" I asked when I stopped in front of her.

"Yeah, it's actually nicer than I expected. I'm sitting beside Soobin and his friend was on our right" she said and clung her arms on mine. "And they said they won't join us, they'll head to the gym" she continued.

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