XXXIX: On Your Wedding Day.

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3rd POV

Sitting at her desk, holding an invitation she received last night on one hand and a ticket on the other. She stared at it for long, almost all night, but doesn't know what to do.. what to choose.

She's been miserable, being sleepless, losing appetite, but she's not crying... Or she just got tired...

Or there's no more tears left for her to cry.

So lost with deciding what would hurt more, and regret if not chosen. She found herself dressing formally, staring at her hopeless reflection.

"Just this time... Just for the last time..." She mumbled, looking up when her eyes started to water. Then she reaches the corners of her lips with her point fingers, lifting it up in a smile.

Watching on the mirror how she makes a fool out of herself.

Until she left her house, leaving a paper behind.

The drive didn't took that long but she hoped it did, she's not prepared but have to. And stepping out of the car never felt so challenging unlike what she felt now that she's here... Where the wedding will happen.

Checking the time, an hour and half before everything ends for them. Being here, she hopes and intended not to ruin anything just... Wanting to saw her.

The person she loves.

A heavy sigh was made as she started to walk, entering those doors and finding the bride's room when-

"Ryujin?" She heard a woman calling her, turning around to see who was it. "I didn't expected to see you here" the older woman mumbled, looking happy to see her, but not entirely.

"Glad to see you aunt" Ryujin hugged the woman for respect then moved away. "Congratulations to Soobin... Please do tell him" she gave her a small smile, she mean it.

"Why.. why are you here?" The woman asked, trying not to sound rude. "Can we talk?"

Ryujin was obviously hesitant, talking to the mother of the man that the person she loves will marry is not as peaceful in mind as she hoped it to be.

But she nodded and followed the woman at the balcony, stopping as well as the older but not glancing back at her.

"Would you stay away if I begged you to?" The whiskered was shocked, obviously taken aback with the sudden words that left the woman's mouth. "Please do understand that I just want my Son to be happy".

The woman continued without looking at her, just facing the city. "Back then he would come home so happy, in all smiles and so bright for days but that didn't last long and he behaved differently to the point that we won't know what could make him laugh even just for the lowest sound".

"Until I heard him crying in his room and that's when he opened up to me. That he wants to be there for you even though you both fell for the same girl"

The older woman finally faced her and looked at her eyes, as if pleading for something to be granted. "I wished to talk to you back then but he told me not to, that you don't know what he's feeling so you've got nothing to do with the reason behind his tears"

"Then I heard the news you'll leave... He became restless. When you left, he chose to stay away from that girl but some time passed, his mind changed and said that she needs someone, so he stayed by her side as long as he can"

"And now that he'll finally be with the girl she loves... You'll appear, so please..."

Ryujin broke the stare, might be feeling so sorry and heavy with how she hurts her friend who did nothing but be good with her. She bowed her head for a moment before looking at the woman with a smile. "Don't worry aunt, I'm not here for anything that you fear." Soobin's mother seems affected and hurt with how broken she sounded but she returned the smile. "I just want to say good bye... I wouldn't want to ruin anything"

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