XVI: Hope This Will Stay.

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3rd POV

From the day that Yeji went back, it seems like they can't be separated and had an unmentioned agreement to spend their time together... Every single day.

Sometimes they'll end up sleeping in the brunette's house as the shorter was invited to watch a movie, eat together or was just directly asked to stay there as they both know they are alone in their own houses.

But most of the time, the brunette will just suddenly appear in the whiskered's front door, bringing some food, introducing something to watch or just herself planning to stay at the other's place.

They both enjoyed each other's company, like obviously, those smiles, giggles and glances can't lie.

The only problem was... Yeji.

She's insisting to cook.

It's not that Ryujin might've thought that if she let the other cook in her place, she will be homeless for the next following days.

More likely, she want to avoid hurting the brunette like what she did to herself back when she tried cooking.

But knowing her even more as they spend lots of time together, her head is sometimes as hard as a rock and keeps on trying.

Ryujin just went out her bathroom when she smelled something... Horrible.

Her calm and refreshed self has quickly turned to frantic and almost slipped as she went out of her room, rushing down to her kitchen.

Only to find yeji lifting up the lid of the smoking hot pot. Yeah... Her kitchen was almost covered with smoke coming from a single pot.

Shocked and frightened to something worst, she shouted the other's name so she won't touch the obviously burning hot lid but turns out, her loud voice startled the other making her lift the lid and release it on her hand. Dropping it on the floor.

Next thing they heard was the breaking of glass. They haven't figured out if it was the glass lid or the tiles as the whiskered, brows were almost meeting at the middle and stared at the brunette who's looking back at her in terror.

"I'm s-so-sorry. Oh My.." She blurted out, as she looked down and seeing the glass lid completely shattered into pieces. "I'll clean thi--" she wasn't able to finish her words when she turned around, trying to find a tissue, but end up bumping a glass bowl.

Her reflexes isn't that good and had it falling down, broken. Now she's surrounded with broken glasses while she's barefooted. Having her sleepers being useful staying in the room upstairs.

Keep in mind that she's currently at the whiskered's house .

"So-sorry. I'm so sorry" the whiskered watched, stunned to her place. Then Yeji crouch down, eyes watering as she started to pick up the pieces. Maybe worried that the other will kick her out the house and be rage with anger.

But no.. Ryujin's face soften as she walked closer. She didn't felt annoyed or mad for the other breaking her things, she's more worried seeing her clean those up having the chance to wound her skin.

So she walked closer, over the broken glasses. She's wearing her slides so she don't have to worry about herself.

"Stop it" she stand in front of the other as she continued to gather the pieces on her bare hands. "You'll hurt yourself" she followed but the other shook her head.

"I'll clean this up... Sorry.." she whispered but the other run out of patience seeing her continue her actions.

Ryujin bend a little and held the brunette's arms, making her stand up. Seeing those eyes in verge of crying, she can't help but to release a sigh.

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