XV: My Kind Of Vacation

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Vacation have started and I didn't set any plan on where or what to visit for my free time but thankfully I have friends who won't run out of ideas on places we should hang out or things we can explore and experience.

Like how we spent our first three weeks on travelling different destinations, trying variety of foods and to summarize it all... We just spent our time together making new memories that surely, we'll treasure.

Though sadly, everyone will need to go back to their hometown and be with their families. I can travel abroad and spend my vacation with my family as well but it's time consuming and I fell inlove with being alone here at my house. I can stay here and will just wait for them to go back here.

So here I am at the end of the first month of vacation, laying on my bed as it has been a week since our group's last trip.

I never left the house since then as foods are not a problem, I still have some stocks and I can order for deliveries. And it's just that... Being alone makes me lazier.

The couple of weeks followed and I've been passing by her house. Peeking if she have arrived cause now, it's been three whole weeks from the last time I've seen a glimpse of her, yet, the house still don't emit any lights.

I don't want to ask her through message cause I might look like I'm so bored and looking for someone who can be with, which I truly am.

Or maybe she's having fun with her family and my message will just bother her and question why did I asked when she'll be back. And if I said that I'm alone and suggested for her to be back soon, she'll just feel bad when she said no.

That's why I shouldn't ask for her return and just wait so the scenario I've made in my mind won't happen.

I sighed.

Sometimes, my mind just went too further. 'I really do have a lot of ideas'.

I chuckled at the thought before my phone started to ring.

It's dad.

"Hello Ryujin?" He spoke as soon as I picked up the call.

"Yes Dad? Are you alright?" I asked, his voice sounds a little hoarse.

"Yeah, I just woke up and want to ask how's your vacation? Aren't you planning to visit us here?" He said and I heard a voice whispering on the line, sounds like my mom. "We miss you. Wait your Mom wants to talk to you".

I giggled. They love me too much, even arguing over the phone.

"Ryu, come here. I miss my baby. We still can't come there but you can" her voice is low as if forcing herself not to cry. "Are you fine living alone there? Isn't it hard doing all the house chores? Do you need a maid?"

"Aigoo Mom. I'm not that old but I can manage. I have friends so I'm not alone all the time. If you can taste the foods I cook, you'll forget your name. And the house is clean, no need for maid" I reassured. "And I miss you both sooo soo much".

Then another argument could be heard on the other line, I just listened to their words expressing how much they missed my annoying ass and taking care of their baby.

Soon, we bid our goobyes as it was late in the afternoon while it's morning there so they might need to got to work.

Then having nothing to do aside from eating, I decided to go out and walk around. Stroll the city alone as I carry my camera.

It's already night and I'm still outside, I already planned to go home but passing by to a specific convenience store, I suddenly remembered a certain cat eyed girl I met not too long ago.

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