XXIX: As It Should Be.

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She keeps on looking through the pages of the scrapbook I gave her and each time I'll glance at her, there's those smiles that hasn't fade off. Then she even asked me to show her the soft copies of the photos so I suggested to sleep at my house since it was what I saved in my computer last time.

Until late at night, she's still asking and confused how I managed to sneak and took a pictures without her noticing. I just smiled at those kinds of questions since I don't have any excuse as I took pictures of her purposely. And thankfully, her attention will soon be on the next pictures that I didn't included.

That night, I may have fallen asleep at my desk as I stayed beside her who's still in all smiles while going through the same pictures.

For the next days, our friends unexpectedly arrived and so we decided to have fun at night.

Lia, who haven't joined us even once even though we've asked her a couple of time back then, finally we managed to persuade her and thankfully she arrived without her brother.

It'll soon be our last year in high school and we accepted Lia as a new member of our group long time ago but there's still gap in our relationship and I want that all gone before we separate our ways.

I patted my side so she would sit beside me. Here we are at my house, with our friends, and I'd like to make sure she's comfortable enough to talk and act like how she is in school.

"It's not the most pleasant you will experience but this is how we bond" I nudge her side as I spoke and she just smiled. "Come on, relax".

"Okay... If that's what you want" she smiled before grabbing a can of beer and stand up in front. "Hey people listen... I love you all." She said with a sigh that made the atmosphere in this room unexplainable.

"Ahm... What was that for?" Yuna asked looking as confused as the rest of us.

"You know... I'm just grateful I have all of you as my friends. I thought you may treat me as a different one but yeah..." Her eyes glistened as she spoke and I know we're all touched by her confession. "I'm so happy right now that I may treat everyone" she followed then sat back beside me.

"Is that food you mean? Come on make her happier" Soobin butted in and we laughed at his antics. "No really, you're welcome in any way possible Lia. I thought you'd be like a snob bitch that a common rich transferee are but during the first days... You're just snob, and I believe not a bitch" he spoke before he reach for the bag of chips.

"I think that's not mean to say so.. thank you?" She spoke amused with how a tipsy Soobin acts.

For the following couple of hours we're just bombarding her with a lot of questions which she's gladly answering and in between her responses, we never failed to hand her a can of beer each time she'll finish one.

Until I think with tons of empty cans and bottles in front, the alcohol took effect and her words are becoming really difficult to understand but I still nodded like I know what she's talking about.

With my attention being focused to Lia since our little party started, I just noticed that this person sitting on my other side wasn't that talking and still keeping herself silent.

"Hey, are you okay?" I looked at her and scanning her face, maybe she's sleepy since her eyes were droopy.

My voice did caught her attention and she opened her eyes clearly, looking back at me as she spoke. "Yeah, maybe I drunk too much".

I adjusted on my seat since Lia was now entertained by the others. Then I placed my hand on Yeji's back and started to rub it soothingly. "Do you want to sleep?". I asked while I look at her intently.

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