IX: Just Wanted To Sleep.

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3rd POV

After that little moment leaving the whiskered still in daze, the others congratulated the brunette for her development in ranking. She didn't placed that high but the improvement is one that should be celebrated.

The maknae, behaving as usual, wished to eat with her group and with the overwhelmed feeling of the brunette in receiving such help from them, she announced to pay for their incoming receipt.... Which will surely be a pain in the wallet.

With the evident excitement of the three, they cling their arms and walked ahead, leaving the two in an unknown atmosphere.

Until the brunette tugged the other's sleeve, nudging her to follow the others. It didn't take long for the shorter to understand and then take a hold on the other's wrist, following their friends behind.

For the next days or weeks their school life continued but maybe, being a more responsible student who avoids sneaking out. There's like an unmentioned agreement in their circle of friends that they'll focus more on helping their friend than playing around and being chased by the guards.

Before their semester ends, it was announced that there'll be a school program. It's like giving the students time to enjoy and be free from school works but after... They'll face the final examination. Sure, they'll truly enjoy that given 'free' time.

They were allowed to wear their casual clothing which is one of the things that made some delighted but most.. prefers to spend their time outside the school.

And Ryujin's group belong to those who wants to leave the place and just stay on one's home instead of wasting their time here. They usually don't attend these kind of events but they came to support their friend, Soobin. He's competing against the other class, and also his basketball team mate, Yeonjun. So maybe there won't be any seriousness involved between them in this game and will just fool around.

It was the start of the game when Ryujin found her friends already sitting on the upper bleacher, holding their balloons in support for Soobin's team.

She went to school way earlier to assist and finalize some decorations and also to be informed on her duties as the school paper's photographer. And her club mate is tasked to take pictures for the time being, so she got time to spend with her friends.

Meaning, she and the brunette didn't meet since the morning. She's tired but as she saw the other in those lovely casual fit, it looks like she could do more task than she have already done.

But as she walked upstairs towards their seat, those expressions faded noticing how exposed the brunette's legs are with those skirt, looking from lower bleachers and that made her somewhat uneasy.

Her friends noticed her presence and cheerfully greeted her, signing her to come up and sit beside them. Which she did and sat next to the brunette, being handed with the same balloon before they continued on cheering.

The thought soon got pushed behind when the game went intense and each teams were just taking turns on scoring points.

Until when they were just joining the hype of their other schoolmates, the whiskered caught someone glancing from the lower bleacher.

Her fit is absolutely lovely but not looked as it is by others.

She can't just point it out and put the brunette in an awkward situation, so she just slide it for the first time.

But everytime someone will look up and move from their seat on the lower bleacher, ryujin will act weirdly and give them the most intense glare until they finally look back in their fronts, even though they're not looking at the brunette who's oblivious of what's happening and were just enjoying the game.

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