VII: Simple Turns Out Meaningful.

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3rd POV

Most of us have that someone who just suddenly appear in our mind in any situation we may be. Denying of any possible reason other than just finding it adorable, sure, the smile that slowly creeps in shows otherwise.

It's an hour before her usual wake up call but here she is, jamming to a playing song like a fool while she dress up, after taking a bath. Smile never leaved her face ever since she woke up.

Then she packed up some lunch, specifically for two and another containers for breakfast, making sure that everything is tasty and would make someone else's morning bright.

Picking up a stone, she threw it on the door making a loud thud noise and she the response she wanted immediately.

It's still early and yet, here she is standing in front of her nee friend's house, paper bags in hands.

The door soon opened revealing a brunette that seemed to just woken up, folding of her pajamas were not even, upper clothing was a bit crinkled, hair makes it obvious that she just came from her beloved bed, while she wipes her eyes under those specs.

"Good morning!" The shorter shouted that jolted her up that made the other giggle. "Rise and shine!!"

"Wait.. what-what are you--" she tries to fix herself that just made herself stumble a bit on her stance.

The other smiled, watching the brunette panicking, and walked closer to her. "I'll let myself in" she said after fixing the brunette's eyeglasses that was a little tilted.

"Come on let's eat".


I settled myself on her couch and started unpacking the containers I prepared earlier for our breakfast.

Noticing that she's still not moving, I stand up and approached her, pulling her by the wrist to sit on the couch before I sat beside her, placing the opened food to her side.

"I accidentally made a lot more so I thought why not give it to you since you're just a few blocks away" I said as I felt her staring while I unpack my food. "And I'm about to go to school after this".

I already started eating but her food is still untouched so I looked at her, confused on why she's still staring at me. "Why?" voice muffled with the food stuffed in my mouth.

"You always throw stones at my door?" She suddenly asked that made me cough. Thankfully she went to grab some water and gave it to me before sitting back.

"Sorry 'bout that but" I cough again and tried to think of any acceptable reason other than just fooling around. "Think about it... When you just transferred, I bumped into you right?" I started and she nodded as response. "Half of our subjects for the morning were already done that time and you're still on your way... Let's say that you're finding your way but it's too late and obviously, you started looking for it late. So here I am being a good classmate of yours that always wakes you up so you can get to school in time and notice that you were never late right?" My goodness, thanks my brain.

She seems to process the whole thing I said before eyeing me suspiciously but I just shrugged and continued my food.  Half were already finished with mine but seems like she's having a staring contest with her food that I thought of something that can make her eat the food I prepared.

"Looks like you don't want it so... Might as well take it back, it'll be a waste to throw this out since I'm full".  I slowly pull the food to my side and watching her just looked at it as if something precious was being taken back from her. "Oh come on.. do you hate my food from yesterday?" I stopped and returned it in front of her.

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