XXXVIII: Too Much To Handle.

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"Yeji..." I mumbled and like a spell that calls her, she took her steps, closer and closer while looking straight in the eyes. As if recognizing, not believing that I'm really here.

A few steps left, I noticed how her eyes was filled with tears threatening to fall. Standing just in front of me, she slowly place her trembling hand on the side of my face, cupping it as her tears fall.

I looked at her, smiling to express how much I've missed her. She's the most beautiful woman I've met even now with her middle length hair...

"You look beautiful..." I mumbled and leaned on her touch as tears cascade down my face. "Can I get a hug?".

Without any hesitation, she wrapped her arms around my neck making me feel those warmth that I haven't felt for a long time.

"Did you missed me?" I asked as I place my chin on her shoulder, holding her waist with both of my hands.

She nodded and I can hear her crying, also feeling that my shoulder was slowly being damped.

"Let me hear your voice... I missed you" I said, completely encircling my arms around her.

A moment passed, until she calmed and only low cries could be heard. "I missed you too... So much..."

"Come on" I held her right hand as we part from the hug. Smiling as I wipe her tears from her face with my free hand.

I noticed how she stared at our clasped hands so I tugged it and as she looked at me, I smiled wider and pulled her with me as we hopped in my car.

The whole ride was silent, everytime I'll take a glance, she's watching out the road we take. With her puppy paws wearing those oversized sweater, I smiled at myself as I fight not to hold her hand while I drive. She may be taken aback and might be too quick after just meeting again. So I stayed my hand on the steering wheel.

Until I parked in front of the place I missed.

"Let's go?" She stared outside and as I waited for her to look at me, I saw how her lips quiver before looking at me with teary eyes.

"Ryujin..." She mumbled and I know she recognize this place.

This street changed a lot, many stores beside was replaced but this convenience store was too remarkable for me not to recognized.

"I'm kinda hungry... So let's eat here" I said and went out to open the door for her. As she stepped out, I grabbed her hand and guide our way in.

Walking straight at the ramen section and picking up the same we had before, then eggs, cola.. Feeling her just watching me, I pulled her at the snacks section and picked up her favorites but..

As I happily look at her, she's about to cry again as she fix her gaze with mine. So I immediately placed down everything and cupped her face, worried that this may be too much.

"Do you want to go?" I asked and wiped the tear that escaped her eyes. Then she shake her head but haven't smiled so I used my point fingers to lift her lips upward in a smile. "I haven't seen this for a while, I missed your smile..." I said but was shocked as she threw herself at me, hugging me so tight and soon, I heard her sobbing quietly.

After patting her back for a while, we found ourselves sitting beside each other, foods were about to get cold but no one dared to move and say something. Just watching the life outside.

"How's your life?" I broke the silence but keep facing front.

She seems to give it a thought as I heard her let out a deep shaky breath. "I lived well..."

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