XXI:Something Is Definitely Changing

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I lessen the time I spend with her as much as I can and avoid the same physical touches we don't have any problem before. With these, I can see how it's affecting our built relationship.

I can feel that sometimes she's not comfortable to look at me, can't directly ask me to do something.

And I'm questioning myself if I'm doing things right... If it's right for me to treat her like this and help my self to move on from something that I only know.

Ever since that night, I still do the same things like leaving her breakfast at her door. Joining lunch and talk to her but all with a mix of 'wanting to end the talk now' feel and I can't help not to show it whenever I'm with her.

Now that we have a program tomorrow, the same thing whenever before the final exam, our teachers seem so busy that he decided to dismiss us earlier to have our lunch.

So me, Chaer and Lia head out and plan to wait for Yeji and Soobin but as we stay longer outside the next room... The more I want to leave and be alone.

Their teacher was still inside but she's busy facing her laptop, letting the students anything else but not making too much noise. Everyone was in their group of friends and having fun.

But as I continue to look at Yeji who's still not noticing our presence outside, the more I'm losing my appetite to eat.

I saw how she laugh when Yeonjun ruffled her hair then fix it after. Just them looking at eat other with fixed smile, like Soobin was not studying beside them.

Then he pinched her noise resulting for her, hitting his arms playfully.

I didn't want to believe what I was seeing but what can I do when it was presented right in front of me?

"I don't think I'll be able to join today" I tapped these two person beside me as I spoke. "I have to do something" I spoke and Chaer was about to ask when I gave them a smile before I ran away.

It's soon to be lunch hour for every students so I thought of a place where I could be all alone, without anyone around.

I opened the door of the rooftop and breath out the air I didn't notice I was holding for long. I walked and sat on the bench like my knees have gave up with the running I made.

"How memorable the end of last year is how I wished I could forget this one" I mumbled as I lay down, closing my eyes as I cover it with my arm while my other hand rests on my stomach.

I stayed like that as my mind were filled with nothing, it's blank and like I got nothing to think about. Just waiting for the bell to ring so I could go down and proceed with the rest of the day.

But not long when I'm slowly enjoying the silence, I heard the door creaked and soon, I felt someone's presence beside me.

I chose not to look at her, knowing who is it from the first place. She's the only one I brought here, and from her sent... It's definitely her.

"Hey... Let's eat" I heard her but I shook my head, not removing my arms that's covering my eyes. "Why not? Chaer said you got something to do but you're just here...". She poked my arms but I still didn't move.

'why not?..' I repeated in my mind. Yeah... Why can't I?

"I'm not hungry" I mumbled and when I thought she accepted and plans to leave, she removed my arms on my face, making me open my eyes and looke at her. I squinted my eyes as I look up at her, with the sudden brightness, I furrowed my eyebrows. "Why?" I asked.

But she didn't spoke and just looked at me. Then she moved to cover me from the sunlight so now I can look at her clearly.

With the stares we're having, I can just move and sit. Wrapped my arms around her hips and pull her closer. Hugging her so tight like telling her all the love that I feel for her. But no, I won't do it.

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