XII: How It Will Happen?

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I really don't know what's running in her mind. I was playing it smoothly but now... We're literally watching something entitled 'You' and I don't give a fuck about it. I don't even know what's happening in this whole thing.

Awhile ago, I thought a thing will finally bloom between us. Like what happens everytime two close friends were left alone in a room. Then they stared to each other's eyes for long, until one finally move... The other will close their eyes and boom. They'll confess to each other and next day, they're together.

'But luck is not in me because my luck is beside me' I didn't managed to suppressed my chuckle at the sudden dumb thought. But I quickly return to bored face when she looked at me.

"Hey.. don't you like it? I thought you like 'You'" she innocently said that annoyed me even more because I can't just say that what I'm talking about is her. What I like is her. Oh my Goodness.

I may be a little sulking but I can't resist her so I formed a tight smile. "It's fine, I just thought it'll be a movie and we ended up with something having a few more seasons. And I prefer movies so..."

"Then let's change it. I really don't like it. I don't understand even a bit about it" she truthfully said and went back on the option tab. "Mind if I choose?"

"Yeah go on" I let her cause what's important is that we're spending this time together. Not the movie or anything else. So I grabbed another bag of chips and placed it between us.

Scanning the table in front of us, we already ate a lot. Empty cans of soda, bags of chips and other snacks were scattered. Maybe we both didn't like the 'You'.

"Oh.. it's past 1 am already. Aren't you tired? Sleepy?" She asked right after clicking the play button.

"No. And the movie is already starting so... Maybe after that. My house is just walking distance." I reasoned.

The movie entitled 'Crazy Little Thing Called Love' was playing and if I'm being honest, I've watched it a lot of times but I don't know if she does so I let it be.

Knowing every single scenes, I slowly felt sleepy and didn't noticed I drifted to a slightly deep slumber.

Waking up maybe after an hour or two, I found my head hanging back as I leaned on the couch, mouth agape and wished that drool wasn't seen.

I was about to fix myself but as I try to move, I felt a little weight on my side and looking at this person beside me. She's sleeping.

Head resting on my shoulder while her hand was placed on my stomach. 'Maybe she saw me sleeping that's why she got bored and fell asleep too'.

I held her hand and planning to remove it as I want to place her on her bed, it's more comfortable there, but then she scooted closer and now her face came into contact with the crook of my neck, making me nervous as hell.

This kind of proximity is not good for me. I like this feeling but the aftermath scares me. No people wants to be hurt of course but... Sometimes we choose to feel the pain instead, than to hurt person we like.

She's peacefully sleeping and I should be happy to stare at her for this long but this feeling keeps on growing. Thoughts keeps on coming and I can't manage to stop it.

If I didn't distance myself now, I may think that we can be like this for a long time. She'll continue on doing things that makes me fall deeper. But soon.. things will be different. We won't be able to spend this kind of moment.

But if I stay and let our friendship grow. I may see her being happy with someone else that will surely hurt me the most.

I sighed and faced front.

Why Can't It Be The Two Of Us ( Ryeji )Where stories live. Discover now