XIV: This May Be Enough.

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3rd POV

That morning was spent meaningful. It was fun suffering from hangover together with your friends and Ryujin doesn't force herself to join and have fun anymore. She believes she's fine now that she acts like one.

She would open up some embarrassing stuffs about their past drunken selves that ofcourse will make the group burst out in a fit of laughter.

No more awkwardness, silence and back from being the cool headed silly Ryujin they all know.

For the following days, Ryujin considers her and the brunette's closeness as something built out of deep friendship... Or she thinks so.

The clinginess... The little touches and stares that she caught everytime she'll do. Yeah.. the brunette might be just happy and thankful for having a friend which happened to start with Ryujin.

Until the last day of School have come and the whiskered is more than excited because they won't do anything at school for the day. Just like a farewell day and announcement for those who needs completion which she don't have a problem with.

Happily hopping on her way to the brunette's house while carrying the food she prepared, she can't help herself but to think of the vacation ahead of them.

Then as soon as she reached the front door and readying herself to knock, an unexpected sound was made inside that made her open the unlocked door immediately.


As I entered the house, a hissing Yeji welcomed me.

And why?

Maybe because of the things she's doing in her kitchen which is something that she's not good at. Cooking.

"Hey are you okay?" I asked as soon as I reached her. Taking a hold on her hand that's already turning to bright red.

"Oh.. yeah, yeah. I didn't thought the pot will be that hot" She said, watching me blow on her finger for a minute.

"Ofcourse it would be hot after setting the fire too high.. aigoo" I face palmed myself and let her hands drop. "What are you even planning to do?".

She seems hesitant to answer but ended up doing so. "Ramen".

I knitted my brows to her answer. I still cook for her but did she got tired of tasting the foods I make?

"Ah... You don't like the foods I cook anymore?" I'm not sad about it but... It makes me want to do better.

"No! Ofcourse not" she said, too loud I may say and looking like she's ready to defend herself. "It's just that... We can eat ramen and take that food then eat together at the rooftop" she explained, voice low.

"Why? Don't you want to join our friends later?" I didn't managed to suppressed the smile I tried to hide as I talk.

She looked like thinking for some excuse. Opening her mouth then closing after. 'cute'.

"Okay okay.. we'll eat together later. Your patience might've run out because of their noisy asses" I said and walked to her side. Bumping her to move away from the pot. "I'll cook the ramen before you burn yourself even more".

She's about to protest but I looked at her and shook my head no. "Sit there. You can do the dirty dishes later" I just said so she won't insist anymore.

Maybe she's fine with the idea as she moved to prepare the table we'll use.

After cooking, I settled the pot in the middle of our bowls on the table and told her to start to eat so we can leave after.

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