XIII: I'm Honestly (Not) Fine

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3rd POV

School has resumed and for the past few days, the whiskered still woke up earlier to cook for their breakfast but the difference is... The atmosphere is not the way it was before.

It's not that they had an argument but more like... An inside battle where the whiskered is the only one aware for its existence.

The developed clinginess of the brunette don't help at all and she can't just act distant suddenly and abruptly shoved off the hands of the other that will surely hurt her feelings. She don't want to be misunderstood so she stayed quiet.

She tried to join her friends when fooling around, trying to push away the thoughts back and be her self. So they won't question her for more.

The days went by until valentines came.

The group of friends agreed to not attend the arranged school party as they pointed out that it was boring, coming from what they have experienced last year where they just remained themselves sitting while watching the school couples dance sweetly on the center of the venue, and all the members haven't found their lovers. Not that they don't want one but more like... They're just waiting and not rushing everything.

Also Ryujin is the one assigned for the event last year so her other club mate is assigned for this year so they don't have any other reason to go. Not that some of their teachers will give a little plus point that surely, they can get easily.

So here they are in Ryujin's house sitting in line on the floor infront of the TV while bundle of beers are piled on the side and some cans are already placed in their front, together with the opened box of pizzas and chicken.

They decided to binge watch the avengers and they started since the morning when everyone have arrived on time. Really.... When a plan is about something fun, people will arrived on time and sometimes earlier. But when it's for practices and something more important, most will surely arrive late.

The fourth or maybe fifth movies plays and the house owner didn't really mind every movie, yes she have watched all of these, but why does her face just remained focused on the Tv.

Keeping her silence while her friends talk and talk, almost overpowering the sound coming from the movie they're watching. And she let them, specifically the two as everytime the Tv will black out, she'll notice the brunette staring at the same screen. And from the voices she's hearing, it's from Soobin, Yuna and Chaeryeong, sometimes hers when she was asked.

They had the three separate them as they sit on each end of the side. Since the morning, they only have exchanged a few words and the brunette tries to make her smile and understand her sulking, moody attitude... Not knowing it's about her.

For the following hours, the whiskered remained the same, only giving expected responses when she's dragged in the conversation but after, she came back on staring on the screen, unconsciously emptying a lot of cans of beer.

Until a topic was brought out by her red head friend.

"I hope we won't spend our valentines with each other's faces next year" she blurted out with a sigh.

"Maybe I have an idea" Soobin's face light up as he chugged down another can of beer. "Let's just date each other. One at a time, let's take turns".

"Woah.... Your mind... It's obviously tired." Yuna looks amazed but her tone is full of sarcasm. "I know we're all beautiful but nah... It's just nah".

Soobin acted a bit offended by that but soon chuckled, pointing at Yeji. "Yah I know all of your gay asses but her... Who knows. Yeon looks at her differently".

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