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I jumped out of my bed when I heard a loud crash in the living room. This wasn't the first time I was hearing such a crash.

It was quite common for my landlord to come home drunk and crash into multiple furnitures in the house.

Despite this, my curiosity took over me and I tiptoed towards my bedroom door. The cold floor touched my bare feet and I hissed.

The door of my bedroom creaked slightly as I opened it only to peer through the small gap. I looked around in the darkness but didn't spot anyone.

I pushed the door wider and stepped out of my room. I moved around in the darkness. When I didn't spot anyone, I decided to go back to my room.

I screamed the second I turned around and came face-to-face with my landlord. "I'm sorry" I quickly apologised. I didn't want to make him angry.

His devil smirk sent shivers down my spine and I took a step back from him. I tried to get past him but he gripped onto my hips so hard that I let out a yelp.

He brought me close to him and I could smell the alcohol on his breath. His eyes were red and he was clearly not in his senses.

I tried my best to get away from him but he was too strong for me. He lifted me up and threw me over the coffee table.

The items that were set on the table fell onto the floor. I shrieked when the glass vase shattered into tiny pieces.

I started kicking relentlessly when he attempted to undress me. I was lucky enough to get a kick at his crotch which made him fall back in pain.

I didn't know what to do so I grabbed the nearest item, a wooden bowl and slammed it against his head.

He fell back once again and this time tripped over a rug. His head crashed into a glass table and he fell unconscious.

I stood there wondering what he had done. I bent over to check his pulse and sighed in relief when I felt a soft pulse.

I ran to my room and grabbed a bag. I shoved in whatever I could find and threw the bag over my shoulder.

I ran out of my bedroom but stopped myself right in front of my landlord. What if he dies? I quickly ran over to him and took out his phone from his pocket.

I dialled for the police and left the phone next to him. The police will have to check out the call no matte what and they can help him.

I ran away from the house and didn't look back. My feet hurt as I tried to run on the rough floor in my home slippers.

The body shivered violently because the thin material of my night clothes were not enough to protect me from the cold.

I didn't stop running even after what felt like ages. Tears ran down my cheeks and vision started to get blurry.

I couldn't think straight nor could I see much. This wasn't the first time I was running away from my home.

I had done it before and it was no problem doing it again but that didn't mean I wasn't completely scared.

My landlord had tried to touch me before but I had defended myself. Tonight I did the same but I've had enough.

The first time I ran away from home I managed to find a job at a nearby cafe. My landlord used to visit that cafe everyday.

I used to serve him the same order each day and one time he asked me if I wanted a new job. The job was better and paid more.

He even told me I could stay at his house on rent. I didn't understand that his intentions weren't pure until it was too late.

I had been living here for an year now and I've finally left. I don't know where I will go but I do know it has to be somewhere far away.

I tripped over a branch and fell face first onto the ground. I groaned in pain as I tried to push myself up from the ground.

I finally managed to get up but my legs were too tired and my hands were scraped from the fall. My hips still hurt from before and my cheek now had a scar.

I hissed in pain as I tried to take a step forward. I didn't realise how sore my feet were while I was running. I took every step in pain as I tried to keep going.

My bag fell from my shoulder and landed on the ground with a thud. I flinched as I tried to reach down and grab it. I managed to swing it back onto my shoulder.

My eyes widened when I got up from the ground with my bag and a pair of headlights came towards me. My brain told me to run but my body didn't cooperate.

I heard the tires of the car screech as it tried to stop but unfortunately couldn't before hitting me in the legs. I fell back and rolled until my face was in contact with the road.

I heard the car door open but the voices were muffled. My vision was even more blurry than before and it felt as if my head was spinning. Before I knew it, there was only darkness.

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