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He swiftly turned me around so my back was against his chest. His strong hands roamed all over my body. I could feel his warmth through the thin material of my dress. His fingers grazed my bare skin as he caressed my arm till he reached the top. He pushed the two straps of my dress from either side and attached his lips to my shoulder. I bit back a moan as he kissed my bare skin. His tongue rolled up to my neck and he bit into my skin making me hiss in pleasure.

My head fell back onto his shoulder as he devoured my neck. I spun around abruptly and crashed my lips onto his, pulling him into a messy kiss. I pushed him onto the bed and climbed into his lap. My legs straddled him as our tongues fought for dominance. I slid my tongue into his mouth easily and started to grind down on his crotch making him moan loudly.

He leaned back with his hands planted on the bed. I started to ride his growing bulge as he looked at me with his intense gaze. I wanted to unzip his pants and whip out his dick so I could ride it instead of his bulge but instead, I leaned forward and planted a quick kiss before swiftly moving off him. "What happened?" He asked. "Oh nothing just need a shower" I told him. "Uhm and what about this?" He pointed at his crotch.

"Hmm you should take care of that yourself" I suggested with a smirk. As much as I wanted him to fuck me, I wanted him to feel what I did every time he left me hot and bothered. "Fine. I will" He said as he realised what I was doing. I hopped into the shower and slowly cleansed myself, making sure I take as much time as possible. I dried myself before putting on my silk robe. When I stepped out, I was surprised to see Aryan still in my bed.

He was now under the sheets with his shirt off but his eyes were closed. I smiled at how adorable he looked. He shifted slightly in his sleep when I slid into the sheets next to him. I drifted off to sleep with the calming sound of Aryan's breathing.

The next morning, Aryan wasn't next to me when I woke up. I groaned as I got out of bed. Last night was exhausting both physically and emotionally. I remembered what happened with AbRam and immediately went to check up on him after taking a shower and getting dressed. AbRam and Suhana were still peacefully sleeping in Suhana's room. AbRam was in deep sleep with his sister's arm around him. I didn't wake them and quietly walked away.

It was still really early in the morning and they had a long night. I wondered around the house which looked emptier than usual. The kitchen was empty as well so I made myself a cup of hot coffee. The cup warmed my hands as I walked around the garden. Everything was peaceful until I heard a loud scream. It sounded as if someone had hurt themselves really badly. My curiosity pulled me towards the sound.

I quietly approached the shed at the back of the house. It looked as if it hadn't been used for years. I stood at the corner and looked through the dirty window. Everything was slightly blurry but I managed to focus on the chair in the middle of the room. My eyes widened when I saw a person tied to the chair. There were a few guards standing around the person and listening to something he was saying. From the corner of my eye, I saw another man approaching the chair.

He looked familiar but I couldn't place him because of how dirty the window was. I pressed my face against the window and squinted my eyes to get a better look. My eyes widened when I saw Aryan standing in front of Jason. He was still in his outfit from last night's party. He must've come here straight from my room. His sleeves were rolled up and his shirt was unbuttoned halfway down. I could see the pure rage in his eyes. I gasped when he swung a punch across Jason's face.

Aryan relentlessly threw punches. Jason's head swung aimlessly in the direction of his punches. "GIVE ME A FUCKING NAME" My heartbeat ran fast when Aryan started questioning Jason. Before Aryan could land another punch, Jason shouted a name that left me shocked. "AVI!" I gasped when I heard his name. "WHAT ABOUT AVI?" Aryan asked. I remember Avi being a good friend of Aryan and I did wonder why he left the house out of the blue but never asked because I was too afraid to mention his name.

"ITS THAT GIRL!" Jason quickly shouted before Aryan could torture him more. "PAYAL! ITS PAYAL PLEASE JUST STOP HURTING ME" I froze when I heard my name. My eyes shifted to Aryan's face. His rage was frightening so I bolted. I didn't have a plan but I ran. With my slippers barely staying on my feet as I ran, I exited the main gate. The cold air hit my bare knees as I bolted across the street and into the many trees that were in front of their mansion. I didn't know where I was going but I just kept running.

I had never seen such rage on anyone's face before and I didn't want to face Aryan. I didn't know why Jason took Avi's name or mine but now that he had, I knew I was in deep trouble. I finally stopped running when I saw the road on the other side of the woods. I quickly walked over while trying to catch my breath. I was hoping to catch a ride from the road. Aryan probably sent his men to find me in my room since he didn't know I was awake. I was sure that he would search the entire house first and then outside so I had a bit of time.

I walked onto the road but saw no car in sight. This was a bit of a quiet street so now I began to worry, thinking I wouldn't be able to catch a ride out of here before Aryan knows I'm not in the house. Before I knew it I was running again, this time on the road hoping to get as far away from Aryan as soon possible. Tears ran down my eyes as memories from my past runaways flashed before my eyes. I hated doing this. The fear and pain that builds inside when running away is gut-wrenching.

My thoughts took over my mind as I ran on the empty road. I made a sharp turn without looking and was immediately hit by a car that made me fall onto the road. I grabbed my ankle which looked like it had been badly twisted. Footsteps approached me and I looked up immediately. My eyes widened when I saw Aryan in front of me. I yelped when he grabbed me by my arm and roughly pulled me up before dragging me to his car.

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