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We pulled up in front of an abandoned warehouse. There were a few men standing outside. Once I dimmed the headlights, we saw Suhana and AbRam being held out. I placed my hand on Aryan's arm. "I promise" He repeated. I nodded before he got out of the car. AbRam tried to run to Aryan but he was held back. Aryan knelt down and talked to AbRam. I couldn't hear what he was saying but I was sure he was comforting him. Aryan got pulled away from his siblings.

Suhana and AbRam were shoved into our car. I turned around and hugged both of them tightly. I whipped my head around when there was a knock of the window. "Move it" I quickly drove away. Just like Aryan said I sped and drove as fast as I could. "Sue check if we're being followed" She turned and looked at the empty road. "No we're good for now" She told me. I followed the map and took a sharp turn.

There was a car just like Aryan had said. "Come on!" Both of them followed behind me. I pulled out the key that was taped and unlocked the car for them. "Take AbRam, I'm going back for bhaiyya" Suhana told me. "No Aryan told me to get you both to safety" Suhana was not listening. "I can't lose another family member" She was on the verge of tears. "So don't leave AbRam, he needs you" She looked at her baby brother who was watching her with his big eyes.

"I'll go back to Aryan and I'll bring him back" I promised her. Suhana sat in the car and drove to the place I told her Aryan wanted us to go. I got back in the other car and drove back. There was a black car that drove right past me but immediately turned around. I knew that was the car sent after us. I immediately hit the brakes and the car crashed right into mine. I started driving again and when I looked back the other car stayed where it was and didn't follow me.

I quietly stopped the car when I reached the warehouse. I sneaked my way to the back of the car once I got out. I opened the trunk and found a large wrench. I couldn't find anything else so I just took it and shut the trunk. I kept low as I sneaked my way to the back of the warehouse. There were no guards there so I entered the house that was almost pitch black as if someone had cut the power.

[20 minutes ago]


Aryan was dragged inside the warehouse. He sighed in relief when he saw his car being driven away right before the door of the warehouse was closed. "Aryan Khan" Malik, the man on the phone, addressed him. Aryan was stood in the middle of the room. "You have made my life a little too miserable" He told him. "Sorry man nothing personal" Malik chuckled at Aryan's bravery. "Can we cut to the chase? What the fuck do you want?" Aryan asked. "Eager are we?" Aryan didn't say anything. "Fine. All your properties" Aryan scoffed. "That's it?" Aryan asked sarcastically. "Well if you have more, I'll be happy to have it" Malik said.

Before anyone could say anything else, someone cut the power of the warehouse. Aryan knew it was his men that he had instructed to sneak in. He didn't waste any time and immediately attacked the man next to him. He kicked his shin before punching him to the ground and stealing his gun. He shot the two men behind him before shooting the other man next to him. He leapt to his right and shoved a table to the ground to use it as a cover.

He kept his head down and his back to the table as some men shot at him. He heard gunshots that didn't aim at him and instead shot at the other men. He raised his hand and shot towards Malik but he saw him run towards the back of the warehouse. "Deal with them" He shouted to his own men as he ran after Malik. Aryan turned a corner but was pushed roughly against a metal door. He raised his hands in surrender when he saw someone point a gun to his head from the corner.


I gasped loudly when I heard gunshots. My legs shook as I walked towards them. I held onto the large, heavy wrench as tightly as I could. I heard a bang from my right and jumped to face the direction. I slowly approached the sound and saw a man standing at the end of the wall with his back facing me. I couldn't see much due to the darkness. I managed to quietly approach the man until I was right behind him. I raised the wrench in my hand and hit it against the man's head as hard as I could. His gun dropped from his hand and he fell onto the ground. I just looked at the man who was now bleeding on the ground.

"Payal?" I jumped when I heard Aryan's voice. "Did you do that?" He asked in surprise. "Uh yes" He just looked at me in shock. "I know I was suppose to stay with your siblings but I did put them in the other car and I-" Aryan didn't let me finish, he just stepped forward and took me in his arms. I melted into his arms and wanted to stay there forever but he pulled away. The blood from his clothes were now on my hand. "We have to go" I just nodded. I watched him pick up his gun and then search the other man's pockets to find extra bullets just in case. I grabbed onto my wrench which now had a little blood on it and followed behind closely.

We almost made it out of the door that I came from when someone ran into Aryan and pushed him down. Aryan and the man, Malik, started to fight hand-to-hand. "Payal get the car ready" I quickly ran out the door to start the car. I could see them clearly from the driver's seat. Aryan was on top of him punching him relentlessly but Malik managed to hit Aryan in the ribs giving him enough space to turn them around. Malik now had the upper hand but it didn't stay for long. Aryan managed to get out of his grasp and push him up. He hit Malik's head against the wall several times until Malik was visibly unable to stand on his own. With one last blow, Malik fell to the ground.

I expected Aryan to run straight to the car but instead he looked around the floor, searching for something. I wanted to yell at him so he would snap out of it but then I realised what he was looking for. He reached down and picked up his gun which had fallen. He stood in front of the unconscious body that already looked dead. He tilted his head and looked towards the car. I knew he was looking at me. In a quick second, he looked back at Malik and took revenge from the man who murdered his parents and tried to harm his siblings.

I shut my eyes when I heard the gunshot. I placed my head against the steering wheel with my eyes closed. I gasped when the car door opened. The person pulled me up from the steering wheel and made me look at them. It was Aryan. His deep eyes looking at me. He reached over and removed my hands from the steering wheel. I hadn't realised I was holding on so tightly that my fingernails were scraping on it. "Move over" He said in a calm voice. I obliged and sat in the passenger seat. He drove away from the warehouse in silence and leaned back onto my seat trying to register the events that had just occurred in my life.

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