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AbRam dragged me into his own room filled with various toys and games. "You wanna see my cars?" He asked. I simply nodded and he rushed to take them out. They were placed neatly inside a small shelf in the corner of the room. I sat on the floor near his toy boxes and watched him pick out his favourite cars.

"Look!" AbRam and I had been playing for an hour now and I couldn't remember the last time I had this much fun. When the most fun moment of your life is with a with a child, you tend to question your life a little. "This one?" I looked down at the small puzzle piece that he held in front of my face.

"Uhm this one..." I took the piece in my hand. I playfully scanned the entire board. "Here?" He shook his head with a giggle. "Hmm here?" He shook his head again. "Not very good" He laughed at me. "I'm not very good" I said with a playful smile. He took the piece from me and placed it in the right spot.

"Done!" We looked at our finished puzzle of his favourite superhero. "Spiderman!" He pointed at it with a smile. "He shoots webs" He told me. "Pew pew!" I laughed at his antics. As he went over to find something else to play with, my mind wandered back to a time I decided to forgo ages ago.


"Didi!" My little brother's voice echoed in my head. My eyes were still shut and they refused to open no matter how hard I tried. I couldn't because of how much my body ached. I didn't know how long I had been laying on the floor but I could barely feel the coolness anymore.

"Didi?" His voice was closer now. I could tell he was at the doorframe. I still couldn't move and when I tried to string a sentence together, it just came out as a disturbing groan. The floor creaked as he took small steps towards me. I didn't know how bad I looked but I knew it would be traumatising for his little soul.

"Didi!" He was right next to me now. His little hands trying to shake me out of whatever trance I was in. The voice kept echoing in my head until my eyes finally opened and I jolted upwards to a small face.

{end of flashback}

Instead of my little brothers face in front of me, it was AbRam. He looked up at me with concern in his eyes. "Oh I'm sorry buddy" I held him close. I didn't mean to scare him. "Are you okay?" His timid voice reminded me of my brother and I couldn't shake the image out of my mind.

"Yes...yes I'm okay" I assured him. I cleared my throat and flashed a fake smile on my face so he wouldn't ask more questions. "Are you hungry?" I asked, hoping to change the topic. "Yeah I want nuggets" He told me excitedly.

I looked at the time. It had been a couple of hours since lunch time. "Let's go get some!" He pulled me up from the floor. I followed him down to the kitchen. He frowned when he didn't see any staff around.

I popped the freezer open and saw the packet of frozen nuggets inside. "Here I'll make some for you" I told him. I picked him up and sat him on the counter as I tried to make my way around the unknown kitchen. I didn't notice that AbRam left me alone.


I made my way to my room after lunch. There was too much going in my mind to focus on work so I decided to relax in my room. That very soon proved to be a bad idea since I hate to be left alone with my thoughts. It takes me to a dark place that I don't like to remember which is why I keep myself busy with work.

The view from my bedroom balcony was beautiful. I always enjoyed watching it and could spend hours just sitting on the balcony but now even half an hour was painful. The smoke from my cigarette filled my lungs and I let my head fall back as I blew the smoke out.

My head hung back down and I leaned onto the glass railing. I remembered my mother always telling me to careful around these railings. She designed this entire house with a lot of love and I intend to keep this house for generations as per her wish.

The night before their deaths, my parents and I had a huge fight. As always whenever I was upset or happy, I would sit in my balcony. My dad without fail would always join me when I was upset and we would smoke in silence until I calmed down enough to talk.


The sound of the chair hitting the ground across the room after I flung it in the air filled my ears and I was sure my family must've heard it as well. I just had a huge argument with my parents and I was sick and tired of them treating me like a child.

I threw the jacket I was wearing across the room and let it fall somewhere on the floor. The jacket accidentally knocked some items off my shelf but I didn't even bother to look at them. I grabbed my cigarettes and the first lighter that I saw before making my way out to my balcony.

"For fuck sake!" The lighter wasn't lighting up my cigarette. "Fucking hell" I grunted with my unlit cigarette hanging from my mouth. "Fuck why! Just why!" I repeated attempted to light it but I had no luck. I threw the lighter out of frustration and it fell down from the balcony.

I felt a familiar hand on my shoulder. I sighed and turned around knowing exactly who it was going to be. He held out his favourite lighter but I looked away from him before he could light it. I spat the cigarette out of my mouth and it fell to the ground.

"I don't want to see your face"

{end of flashback}

That was the last thing I had said to my dad and when I did see his face again, it was covered in blood and next to my mother's lifeless body.

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