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Our car rolled into the driveway and Aryan immediately jolted up. "What the fuck?" I looked over at the direction he was looking at. My eyes widened when I saw a security guard laying on the road, bleeding out from a gunshot wound. Aryan ran out of the car and into the house. I followed behind, as did the security that was with him at the club. "SUHANA!!" Aryan shouted as he ran up the stairs. "ABRAM??" I could hear his voice shaking as he yelled out for his siblings.

"He won't find them here" Avi said. He must've regained his consciousness during the ride back. His hands were still tied and he was being held by two men. "They already took them" My eyes widened. "ARYAN!" I called out for him. He immediately ran back. His eyes glossed up from the tears he refused to release. "He knows something" I pointed to Avi. Aryan rushed over and grabbed Avi by his collar.

"Where the fuck are my siblings?" Aryan punched him when he didn't get an answer. "I think you better start treating me right because I'm the only one who can take you to your siblings" Avi had blood dripping down his face but that didn't stop him from being an ass. "It's not like you can kill me so-" "No I can't kill you" Aryan said. "But I can torture you instead" Avi's smirk dropped. Aryan disappeared into the kitchen and walked back with a knife in his hand. My jaw dropped but I didn't dare say a word to Aryan.

"Put him on a chair" He instructed. Aryan sat on another chair that was placed in front of the chair Avi was forced on. "Okay for every question you don't answer, I take one thing of yours" Aryan said as he traced the blade of the knife on Avi's skin. "You wouldn't-" "you sure about that?" Even I wasn't sure about that. "Question number one" Aryan said slowly. "Where the fuck are my siblings?" Aryan stared at Avi and when he didn't answer, he didn't hesitate to slice a huge cut on his hand.

I gasped and looked away when blood gushed out of Avi's hand. "FUCK" Avi yelled. "Where are my siblings?" Aryan asked calmly while Avi kept screaming. "They're with Malik!!" Avi shouted before Aryan could hurt him again. "Where are they keeping them?" Aryan asked. "I don't know I swear!" Avi was begging for his life but nothing is more important to Aryan than his siblings. I winced when Aryan stabbed Avi's thigh and he screamed in pain. Aryan kept pressure on the knife that was still in Avi's thigh.

"Where" was all he asked. "I don't know they didn't tell me" Avi's face was filled with blood and tears. "But I have a way to contact them.... a number" He choked out. Aryan held out his hand for the number. "Pocket" Avi breathed out. Aryan looked up at his security and nodded. The man searched Avi's pockets while Aryan held onto the knife. Aryan grabbed onto the piece of paper his man handed to him and nodded. "Now was that so hard?" He asked Avi. "Call them" He gave the paper back to his man who dialed the number.

"Avi? Got the job done?" The man on the speaker asked. Aryan roughly pulled the knife out of Avi's thigh causing him to scream loudly. "Avi?" The man on the speaker was concerned. Aryan leaned back against his chair with the bloodied knife still in his hand. He snapped his fingers and opened his hand. His security placed the phone on his hand. "If by job, you meant get caught and be stabbed then yes, Avi did finish the job" Aryan told the man.

"You son of a bitch" "Says the man who kidnapped my siblings" I was terrified of how good Aryan was in this situation. "I know if you wanted to hurt them you would've already done that so why don't you tell me what the fuck you want" Aryan informed him. "An exchange. Your siblings...for yourself" Aryan didn't even hesitate before agreeing. "Come alone" The man instructed once he had given the address.

"I need someone to drive my siblings away after the exchange" There was a pause when Aryan said that. "What? Did you think I was stupid enough to not think about keeping them safe after the exchange?" There was laughter on the other side of the phone call. "Fucking pain in the ass just like your father" Aryan's jaw clenched. "He caused a lot of problems for me, you better not do the same" I wondered if this man was the same guy who killed his parents.

"Get that girl of yours to drive you here. Nobody else" The man hung up. "Don't need anybody else" Aryan said as he got up. "Let's go" I quickly followed Aryan. I had stopped understanding what was going on about five horrible things ago so I just followed quietly without any questions.

The two of us got into the car and I started driving according to Aryan's instructions. "Take a left here and then go straight" I obliged. "Aryan..." I started but he stopped me. "Just take my siblings and get the fuck out of here" Aryan told me. "He will probably send someone after you guys" He told me. "Keep driving to this address" He inserted an address into the map system in the car. "You'll find a car there. The keys will be tape inside the front tire" I could barely wrap my head around his instructions.

"Drive my siblings to the next address immediately and stay there until I come find you" He told me. "I want you to drive as quickly as you can so you can change the car before they notice. Understand?" I nodded. "But will find us right?" I asked him. I was too afraid to look at him so I kept my eyes on the road. "I promise" He said softly.

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