Chapter 2

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"Get up, Riki!?" Jake said a bit louder than he was supposed to, but it was loud enough to wake Ni-Ki up.

"Ugh..." Ni-Ki groaned at loud. "Ten more minutes..." Ni-Ki turned around. "If I give you that much to sleep, we'll be late." Jake sighed. "Come on, Riki." Jake shook his head.

Ni-Ki sighed as he gave up on his sleep. "Okay, hyung..." He sat up on his bed and rubbed his eyes before getting up. "Oh, you're already fully dressed up, I see..." Ni-Ki squinted his eyes as he got up. "Of course that I am, I made us breakfast as well, so quickly get ready and come eat," Jake said as he ruffled his hair.

"Okay..." Ni-Ki sighed.

"Hyung I am done-" Ni-Ki glanced at the unfamiliar figure who was sitting opposite Jake. "Uh, good morning," Ni-Ki said as he bowed. "You have a roommate now...?" He asked Jake who glanced at Ni-Ki first before turning his gaze to glance at the guy.

"Oh, yeah his name is Riki, he is from Japan," Jake said with a smile on his face. "Oh, that's cool my name's Jay." Jay smiled at Ni-Ki who smiled back at him shyly. "You can sit with us, Riki." Jake laughed.

"Yeah, uh- sure..." Ni-Ki said as he decided to sit next to Jake. "Well, I am one of his friends, and uh- you seem like a nice kid," Jay said as he chuckled. "Oh, thanks...Jay-shi..."

"You can call me hyung,  I don't mind." He smiled at Ni-Ki. "This whole conversation is kind of awkward..." Jake laughed. "Mhm..." Ni-Ki answered as he ate the sandwich that Jake made.

"You shouldn't speak with your mouth full, Riki." Jake sighed. Jay laughed at that. "You sound like you're his mum."

Jake glared at Jay who at least to Ni-Ki seemed a bit scared of Jake at the first glance.

After a good fifteen minutes of Ni-Ki listening to them bickering which Ni-Ki found funny- they decided that it was the best for them to go to school.

"Woah-" Ni-Ki gasped a bit as he glanced at the new high school he was soon to study in. "It's huge right?" Jay laughed at Ni-Ki who simply nodded at him. "My reaction was similar to his." Jake sighed dramatically.

"You sound like his mum again-" Jake slightly punched Jay's shoulder which in return made Jay whine in pain. "That's what you get." Jake huffed at him while Ni-Ki laughed at him. "If anything, I am his dad." Jake crossed his arms proudly while Ni-Ki glanced at him. I am speechless.

"Let's just go." Jay sighed. "Finally, something smart of you to say Jay-ah." Jake rolled his eyes while Jay hopelessly glanced at Ni-Ki. "I am sorry about that hyung, Jake hyung probably didn't get that much sleep..." He sighed while Jay nodded and started following Jake who was already ahead of them.

Ni-Ki sighed. I didn't expect hyung to be so moody today... Ni-Ki started walking still caught up with his thoughts until he bumped into a student. Ow-

"Watch where you're going next time." Ni-Ki glanced at the student who had what seemed to him as platinum blonde hair- maybe bleached, though Ni-Ki was no hairdresser and didn't know anything about that since his whole life he never dyed his hair.

But, Ni-Ki did admit something, that guy was handsome. To Ni-Ki he looked like a model, actor maybe even an idol, though he was slightly shorter than Ni-Ki.

"Sorry, about that-" Ni-Ki was interrupted by a rushing Jake who didn't seem too happy at the moment. "Sunghoon-ah, please let's just talk about it-" The blonde turned around to face Jake.

So, his name is Sunghoon...


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