Chapter 4

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After the classes were over, Ni-Ki decided to look for Jake. He was the only person he knew in this school except for Heeseung, Jay, and Sunghoon who he just met.

Though he knew Heeseung already because Jake would constantly talk about his tarot readings, he didn't know him that well neither did he know Sunghoon who he talked to for a bit, and the only person that had a bad first expression in front of him.

He was handsome though, Ni-Ki can admit that. He may not be as good-looking as his Jake hyung, but he is close to being the number one in his book when it comes to looks.

Ni-Ki sighed as he placed his books on the table. He had chemistry out of all of the possible subjects he could have on the first day of high school.

It's great that it's lunchtime. He smiled to himself as he decided to leave the classroom as he noticed that there was no other than him left in the classroom.

"Oh, hyung you're here." Ni-Ki smiled at Jake as he rushed to his side. "Ni-Ki?" Jake glanced at him surprised. "What a coincidence." He chuckled. "Sure, it is." He laughed. "You're going to the canteen?" Ni-Ki asked excitedly. Jake nodded in response as both of them walked downstairs.

"That was weird..." Ni-Ki shrugged. "Do not worry about it, they know each other ever since they were kids, everything is going to be okay," Jake assured.

I hope so...

Ni-Ki didn't say that to Jake, but he found himself a part-time job. It was bad that he had to lie to Jake and tell him that he was going out with his friends which do not exist, but at least he was making money so that Jake doesn't have to pay for his things anymore. That's a good thing to do, right?

He walked to the entrance from the other side which was only for employees who worked there. It was a funny story about how he got a job here. The owner of the coffee shop was so desperate because he couldn't find any employees, so he was walking around handing leaflets to other people and one of them happened to be Ni-Ki.

Of course, Ni-Ki accepted working there, but that was only when the school will start so that it won't be that suspicious, though Ni-Ki has a feeling that Jake will find out about it sooner or later, he still decided to keep it a secret.

"Sorry, Riki but I have some other work to do, I'll send one of my workers to show you how the machines work and all that." The man said as he tiredly smiled at Ni-Ki. Ni-Ki politely smiled back. "No, worries hyung."

"Sunghoon-ah come here for a second." The man shouted.


"Yes, sir?" Sunghoon replied as he rushed to the counter. "Come help the new employee and show him how the machines work." He said in a monotone.

"Of course, that I will hyung." He chuckled as he glanced at his boss but, soon after that he glanced at Ni-Ki. "Oh." Sunghoon glanced at him a bit surprised. Ni-Ki glanced back at him as he smiled.

"Well, I'll be going then." The man smiled. "Sure thing." Sunghoon chuckled while Ni-Ki kept quiet.

And the man left just like that leaving Sunghoon, Ni-Ki, and the two of the workers who were busy doing preparations.

"I didn't know that you had a part-time job." He shrugged as he walked to the coffee machine to show him how it works. "Uh, yeah..." Ni-Ki replied as he examined how Sunghoon was operating the machine.

"Well, it will be great for you to have your own money, right?" Sunghoon glanced at him as Ni-Ki bit his lip to that question.

He is so shameless...

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