Chapter 6

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Ni-Ki strangely woke up before Jake. He made himself breakfast and was already done eating until he heard the doorbell ring out of nowhere.

Who could that be?

Ni-Ki thought as he sat up and decided to open the door.

Ni-Ki glanced at the male in front of him, it was no other than Sunghoon. Sunghoon glanced at him a bit surprised, but soon after that he politely smiled back at Ni-Ki who was still lost in his thoughts.

What is he doing-

"Hey, Ni-Ki...? Sunghoon placed his hands on Ni-Ki's shoulders to shake him a bit, as calling out for him is not working.

Finally, Ni-Ki was aware of his surroundings as he glanced at Sunghoon. "Uh, hi-" Ni-Ki widened his eyes as he figured out in what kind of position they were in.

How did this happen-

Why is he looking at me like that-

"Oh, I see that you're already awake Riki." Jake blurted out as he saw Ni-Ki and Sunghoon in a slightly unusual position.

"Uh-" Jake shrugged. "Oh, good morning," Sunghoon said as he nervously chuckled quickly letting go of Ni-Ki's shoulders.

"Good morning to you too..." Jake gulped as he tried his best to process everything that he saw.

Ni-Ki turned around and saw that Jake was already thinking about what he wasn't supposed to think, but he knew that he had to deal with it for now.

"Oh, so that was what happened." Jake nervously laughed. "Yeah, what were you thinking?" Sunghoon glanced at him innocently while Ni-Ki tried his best not to facepalm himself.

"So, I heard from Ni-Ki that you two were hanging out yesterday," Jake said as he decided to sip on his Camille tea. Sunghoon glimpsed at Ni-Ki who was already hopeless. He prayed to God that Sunghoon wouldn't betray him just like that.

"If you can call it hanging out then, yeah." Sunghoon winked at Ni-Ki who felt a bit flustered for no reason before he glanced at Jake who was clueless about everything. "Awww, that's cute of you two," Jake said. "You can hang out when you'd like," Jake added.

Ni-Ki smiled at that brightly. "But, you have to tell me first." Jake glared at Ni-Ki whose smile disappeared. "No, worries I can call you in advance when it comes to that," Sunghoon assured Jake who only nodded at that.

"Thanks, hyung, can I talk to Sunghoon hyung alone?" Ni-Ki suddenly asked which didn't only surprise Jake it surprised Sunghoon as well.

"Uh, sure you can both go to our room, I would go upstairs, but I need to finish eating first." Jake smiled at them. "Do not worry, hyung." He grinned at Jake and then out of nowhere he grabbed Sunghoon's hand which surprised him.

"Come on, hyung." Ni-Ki smiled at him as Sunghoon could only nod before he was dragged upstairs by the younger.

"Aww, they're so cute." Jake softly smiled as he decided to eat his sandwich. 

"Why did you drag me here?" Sunghoon asked. Ni-Ki shrugged at that question. "I just wanted to thank you for not letting Jake hyung find out that I have a part-time job..." Ni-Ki shrugged his neck as he glanced down.

"It's okay, but I wanted to talk about something with you-" Ni-Ki glanced at him confused. "Huh?"

"Uh, so our boss told me when you already left that you'll be on the same shift as me, which will be on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays," Sunghoon said loud enough for Ni-Ki to hear.

"Oh..." Ni-Ki mumbled. "If you have any questions you can always ask me," Sunghoon added.

He sounded so professional...

"Ok, thanks hyung." Ni-Ki smiled at him and Sunghoon did the same as well.



Why am I even thinking of it again?

But, maybe he isn't as bad as I thought that he seemed to be...

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