Chapter 1

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"Please, don't tell me that you believe in whatever Heeseung hyung said to you...?" Jake glanced at Ni-Ki. "Uh-" Ni-Ki shrugged. "I don't know..." Ni-Ki replied.

Jake sighed as he sat on his bed. "Look, Riki, I don't think that tarot reading is accurate," Jake said sure of himself as he decided to lay on his bed.

"You can believe in whatever you want to..." Ni-Ki glanced down still standing in front of the door that he hadn't closed. "I believe in that though..." He said as he finally closed the door. "I-" Jake stopped for a second before replying. "I respect your opinion."

"Thanks, hyung." Ni-Ki smiled as he walked to his bed which was opposite Jake's. "It's time for bed already?" He asked as he noticed Jake turning his night lamp off. "Uh, I am a bit tired..." Jake said as he turned around not facing Ni-Ki anymore. "Oh..." Ni-Ki glanced down.

"I had a soccer practice, I hung out with my friends as well, and yeah-" Jake said as he cowered himself with a large grey blanket that was next to his pillow. "I am sorry for that..." Ni-Ki said as he finally sat down on his bed.

"No need to say sorry for something you didn't do, Riki," Jake said. "Remember that." He added. Ni-Ki nodded at that as he decided that it was better that he goes to bed and tries to sleep as well.

"Do not worry about tomorrow, you'll be fine," Jake assured. "You'll meet my friends who are awesome and nice." Ni-Ki smiled at that. "Thank you hyung for assuring me, but I feel like they're not going to like me..." He nervously smiled.

"If they won't, I'll personally smack them," Jake blurted out which made Ni-Ki laugh. "Thanks, hyung It's better if we go to sleep now." He said as he turned around to plug his phone into the charger.

For some stupid reason, I am getting weird dreams about being in a car accident... I hope that that's not true though.

Heeseung hyung told me that I will finally live happily and meet a person who'll be there for me, I wonder who could that be? Ni-Ki smiled as he snuggled his pillow. Probably a beautiful girl of my dreams... Yeah...

Maybe she is even going to have pretty brown hair and a beautiful face- I think that I should stop daydreaming and try to get some sleep...

But, that didn't go as planned. Ni-Ki stayed up until three and twenty-four minutes until he decided to get up.

I am thirsty...

"Why can't I sleep?" Ni-Ki rubbed his eyes as he walked to the kitchen. It's probably my cringy thinking. Ni-Ki sighed at that.

He walked into the kitchen until he sighed out of exhaustion. After a few minutes, he opened the kitchen cabinet and grabbed himself a glass.

"What are you doing here Riki?" Jake asked as he stepped into the kitchen scaring Ni-Ki. Ni-Ki let out a deep breath. Thank God it's only Jake hyung. "Why are you in the dark?" Jake turned on the lights as he walked to the stool to probably sit on it. "Uh-" Ni-Ki shrugged.

"I was thirsty..." Ni-Ki said as he pointed at the glass that he still held in his hand with no water in it yet. "Oh..." Jake replied.

"Well, I heard someone opening the cabinet as I was going to the bathroom so I came to check out who could that be." He nervously laughed. "Anyway, we have to sleep because we have school..." Jake sighed. "Yeah, I know hyung no worries." Ni-Ki smiled at him before Jake stood up and lazily started walking out of the kitchen.

I won't be sleeping tonight. Ni-Ki sighed as he noticed that the glass was full of water which surprised him as he glanced at the running water that he quickly turned off.

I don't want to waste hyung's money on me... He doesn't deserve that...

He drank the water, turned off the lights in the kitchen, and walked out of the kitchen to finally get some sleep, which thankfully he did get in the end.

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