Chapter 12

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Unfortunately, Sunghoon's and Ni-Ki's relationship worsened after their kiss. Sunghoon was too confused about his feelings for Ni-Ki, while Ni-Ki felt hurt that Sunghoon couldn't just forget about it.

Sunghoon began to hang out more with Sunoo and Jake, while Ni-Ki hung out mostly with Heeseung, Jungwon, and Jay.

They were both hurting, but neither of them had done anything about that problem for months. The only thing that Ni-Ki still remembered was that kiss of theirs. It was coffee flavored, he thought that just because of that he'd try to accept that people like coffee, but now he couldn't even make it at his part-time job, because it hurt.

Maybe, he was a bit dramatic, but he did like Sunghoon. He still liked him. He could've lived with the fact that Sunghoon would marry a woman and that he'll have children and that he could only be a best friend to him.

That's all.

But, the way Sunghoon just started avoiding him was enough for Ni-Ki to know that they can't be friends. Because if they were friends he would let them figure it out together, after all, that kiss wasn't intentional. It just happened. If not including Ni-Ki's feelings for Sunghoon, there were no hard feelings towards that kiss, they could've just forgotten about it. It might've not been easy at the beginning, but they would forget about it after a few days, weeks in some cases maybe even years, but they would.

That was at least what Ni-Ki thought.

But, as the time passed by, he simply forgot about everything, and he simply "moved on". He wished that he did at least.

He tried dating other girls who were his type, he tried to forget about it by painting or drawing, but whenever he would draw or paint his art would always in some kinda way resemble Sunghoon. It didn't have to be necessary by painting his face on every piece, it could be something simple like the way Sunghoon used to dress or what Sunghoon liked the most ice skating.

Ni-Ki did notice that Jake had a thought about what happened between them, but Ni-Ki didn't have either strength or courage to talk about it.

He just knew that he had to give up, but couldn't.

Maybe, just maybe Heeseung was right and fate did have something to do with it. Maybe he and Sunghoon weren't meant to be and Sunoo and Sunghoon were meant to be after all. Maybe, Ni-Ki was only an obstacle to their happiness? There were so many assumptions, but no answers to Ni-Ki's questions.

He moved to Korea for a new fresh start, he wanted to forget about his painful past, but he didn't get any better in the end.

He did get great and supportive friends, a roof over his head, and the talents that he truly cherished...

Maybe he was just selfish.

Maybe, he had to accept the fact that Sunghoon and he aren't meant to be and that he can't have everything that he wishes for.

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