Chapter 11

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In the following weeks, Ni-Ki tried his best not to talk to Sunghoon which didn't go as planned, since Sunghoon always found a way to talk to him.

Even at his part-time job, when he acknowledged other workers, Sunghoon talked to him first.

"Why are you avoiding me Ni-Ki?" Sunghoon suddenly asked. Ni-Ki almost choked on his noodles as he heard that question.

He coughed a bit before Sunghoon lightly patted him on his back. "Are you okay?" Sunghoon glanced at him as he leaned closer to him. Ni-Ki nodded at him as he felt his cheeks flush on how close they were right now until Sunghoon moved away.

"So, now that you're fine..." Sunghoon said. "Why are you avoiding me, Ni-Ki?" He blurted out as Ni-Ki sighed at that question already expecting it.

"I am not..." Ni-Ki glanced down. Sunghoon sighed. "I know that you are." Sunghoon glanced at him. "Why?" Sunghoon asked once again.

Why do you want to know so badly?

We are friends and we won't be anything more than that...

"I don't have a reason for that because I am not avoiding you." Ni-Ki glanced at him and tried to act as naturally as he can.

Sunghoon stayed quiet on that. He sipped on the coffee in front of him since they were both at a random cafè since they were bored and Sunghoon wanted to hang out with someone and here was Ni-Ki trying his best to ignore him, but couldn't.

"Do you want to try drinking coffee?" Sunghoon suddenly asked Ni-Ki who shook his head in denial. "Why?" Sunghoon glanced at him before he sighed. "Because it's bitter hyung." Ni-Ki pouted.

"I'll add sugar in mine, so you can try drinking it." Sunghoon offered and who was Ni-Ki to decline? Sunghoon ripped the two packets of sugar and put the sugar in and mixed it with a small spoon.

"Here, try it now." Sunghoon offered him his cup as he smiled at him. Ni-Ki took it and sipped the coffee. It still tasted bitter to him, but it was a lot sweeter than the one that his father used to drink.

"And...?" Sunghoon glanced at him expecting his opinion on coffee to change. "Well, it's a bit sweeter than usual coffee, but it's still bitter," Ni-Ki said as he handed him the coffee cup back.

"At least, you think that it's better than before." Sunghoon smiled at him. "I have a question for you hyung," Ni-Ki said out loud.

"Ask away," Sunghoon replied as he glanced at him. "What would your lips taste like?" Ni-Ki asked not realizing that his question was a bit unusual.

Sunghoon's eyes widened at that question. "Uh, Ni-Ki-" Sunghoon laughed out loud. "Probably like coffee...?" Sunghoon said as he glanced at Ni-Ki who just realized what he had asked him.

"Hyung, I-" Ni-Ki was interrupted by Sunghoon. "No, worries I didn't take it to heart." He chuckled. "But, I meant to ask you what you'd taste like if you'd kiss a girl, but it came out wrong-" Ni-Ki was soon to be interrupted by Sunghoon. "Why are you wondering about how my lips taste like Ni-Ki-shi~?" Sunghoon asked with a teasing voice while Ni-Ki was already red as a tomato at that question.

"Ni-Ki?" Sunghoon glanced at him for a second before he came closer to shake him a bit as he noticed that the younger was zoned out. "Sorry, hyung but I-" Ni-Ki said not realizing that Sunghoon was in front of him as he moved his head a bit closer.

That was until he felt Sunghoon's lips on his. Ni-Ki had his eyes wide open as he found out that the person he was kissing was Sunghoon, but Sunghoon didn't let go, so Ni-Ki didn't as well.

It was a bit awkward as he still didn't close his eyes but, as soon as he did Sunghoon kissed him back. The kiss was somewhat sweet and soft, but the taste of coffee that the both of them drank made it taste a bit bitter, just like the coffee Ni-Ki drank a few minutes ago.

Until Sunghoon let go of the kiss, though Ni-Ki wanted more, he couldn't get more.

Sunghoon glanced at Ni-Ki helplessly. "I'm sorry, Ni-Ki I-" Sunghoon was interrupted by Ni-Ki. "No, worries hyung," Ni-Ki said as he tried his best to hide his face with his hands.

"I took your first kiss, I am sorry." Sunghoon sighed. "I'll walk you home..." Sunghoon added. "We're already leaving?" Ni-Ki asked as he glanced down, he couldn't look at Sunghoon right now. He was too embarrassed to do so.

Ni-Ki hummed in agreement though and they both left.

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