Chapter 13

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"Ni-Ki, we gotta talk." Jake suddenly said as he brought them their drinks. Ni-Ki thanked him until he glanced at the liquid inside of that cup. It was coffee.

A great way to start the morning.

It's not enough, that we don't talk anymore but everything needs to haunt me about it as well.

Ni-Ki sighed. "Hyung, you switched mine with your coffee." Ni-Ki pointed out at what Jake only widened his eyes. "Sorry, Ni-Ki I must've been sleepy..." Jake sighed. He didn't even remember that Jake can't drink coffee or he'll feel uneasy.

Out of a sudden, someone knocked on the door. "I'll get it, hyung-" Ni-Ki was all ready to get up, but Jake stopped. "Just enjoy your tea." Jake smiled at him as he got up and rushed to the door which was in a hallway.

Ni-Ki patiently waited and when Jake did come back he didn't expect Sunghoon to be there. Ni-Ki widened his eyes at them and soon after that he collected himself and cleared his throat.

"Isn't Riki sick, though?" Sunghoon asked which surprised Ni-Ki. It wasn't only the fact that he called him Riki, but the fact that he thought that he was apparently sick.

"Uh, you see Hoon-" Jake glanced at him a bit worried. "Jake, I was worried for him and even thought of bringing medicine for him, and here you are lying to me about it." Sunghoon glared at him.  "I know that you wanted to do the right thing, but that wasn't necessary." Sunghoon sighed as he glanced down.

"You wouldn't even come if I didn't lie about it though." Jake bit his lip. "What happened between the two of you?" Jake glanced at Ni-Ki expecting him to answer, but Ni-Ki wasn't going to give any of that.

It hurt him.

"I stole his first kiss," Sunghoon said full of regret. Jake glanced at him not surprised at all whatsoever. "Why aren't you two together then?" Jake blurted out loud surprising both of them.

"Because that's unacceptable." Sunghoon shrugged. "I am straight," Sunghoon said which once again hurt Ni-Ki. "Maybe you aren't," Jake added. "What if you needed the right person to show up?" Jake smiled at him.

"Maybe Ni-Ki is that person?" Jake pointed at Ni-Ki who finally decided to speak up. "Hyung, that's nonsense." Ni-Ki sighed. "If that was true we would've been together by now." Ni-Ki bit his lip at that. "Ni-Ki-" Sunghoon was interrupted by Jake. "Why don't you sit down with Ni-Ki and try to talk it out?" Jake suggested at which Sunghoon could only nod in response.

"Okay..." Sunghoon sighed. And so Jake left them alone to sort it out, while Sunghoon sat down opposite Ni-Ki.

"I am sorry..." Sunghoon glanced at him. "About what exactly, hyung?" Ni-Ki glared at him. "That you avoided and hurt me in that way?" Ni-Ki said.

"You know how to make a person feel worse than they were..." Sunghoon sighed. "Hyung, how would you feel if you were the one getting ignored by a person that means to you a lot?" Ni-Ki frowned. "I did ignore you I do admit that, but hyung we could've talked about it." Ni-Ki sighed.

"I tried talking to you, but you didn't budge." Ni-Ki glanced down. "I just wanted to be friends with you..." Ni-Ki bit his lip at that. "Maybe, that kiss did confuse you and you might've questioned your sexuality..." Ni-Ki said as he felt his eyes tearing up. "But, I have always liked you." That made Sunghoon surprised.

"You-" Sunghoon was interrupted by Ni-Ki. "Yeah, hyung I have liked you for a long time now..." Ni-Ki sighed. "But, I could've accepted the fact that you don't like me." Ni-Ki glanced at him as he felt tears falling.

"It would hurt me, but I already accepted that hyung." He said. "Ni-Ki..." Sunghoon glanced at him. "You're such a great person and I am not good enough for you..." Sunghoon sighed. "But, I do like you too..." Sunghoon glanced at him as he softly smiled at him.

"I know that I have hurt you and I just can't get myself to hurt you once again..." Sunghoon sighed. "I like everything about you, the way you feel flustered about every single touch, the way you talk, your eyes, your beautiful smile, and so on..." Sunghoon glanced at him as he smiled.

"I can't let you feel hurt all because of me again..." Sunghoon added. "I can't bring myself to do that..." Sunghoon glanced down.

"Even if we don't end up together, I'll try my best to be good to you." Sunghoon sighed. Ni-Ki glanced down. "I was the right person, at the wrong time huh?" Ni-Ki smiled as he wiped his tears off.

Sunghoon sighed in response. "I can't forget about you and I know that you can't forget about me as well..." Ni-Ki glanced at him. "Let me guess, you like Sunoo now, or have you started liking him?" Ni-Ki suddenly asked. Sunghoon shook his head at that.

"No, I just want us to be friends for now," Sunghoon suggested. "I still need time when it comes to me accepting who I am..." Ni-Ki glanced down. "I understand..." He replied.

He didn't expect Sunghoon to walk over to him and hug him. It was something that both of them needed. "Will you wait for me Ni-Ki san?" Sunghoon asked as Ni-Ki hugged him back. "I can't wait for you forever, so you better hurry," Ni-Ki said jokingly. "Thank you, Riki..."

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