Chapter 5

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"How can you just say something like that?" Ni-Ki glared at him. "I just wanted to-" Ni-Ki interrupted him. For some weird reason, he was irritated.

"Enough, just show me how this all works." He crossed his arms still mad at him. "Uh-" Sunghoon glanced at him confused. "But, I didn't do anything-" Ni-Ki sighed in response.

He wanted to walk away and as soon as he did he tripped on the cartoon box that was near the exit. "What-" Thankfully Sunghoon was faster as he caught him from behind.

"You could have hurt yourself..." Sunghoon sighed. "Watch where you're going next time..." He advised. "I will..." Ni-Ki glanced down for a second out of embarrassment.

"You can let go of me now..." Ni-Ki said and Sunghoon immediately did as the boy asked him to do. Ni-Ki turned around to face him. "I am sorry and uh-" Ni-Ki glanced down out of shyness. "Thank you..." The latter smiled in response. "It's no big deal, just be careful next time." He chuckled.

They both glanced at each other for a few seconds until Ni-Ki glanced away out of embarrassment.

What is wrong with me today?

"0h-" Sunghoon cleared his throat. "Let me show you how all of them work." Ni-Ki nodded in response.

And Ni-Ki's shift was done just like that. He served a few customers with a little help from Sunghoon and other workers.

He didn't break anything and that was something. He even learned how to make a vanilla latte and was proud when Sunghoon complimented him.

He said that I was great at it. A real vanilla latte master.

Ni-Ki smiled proudly as he walked home. I hope that Jake hyung won't murder me for walking alone at night...

Ni-Ki stepped into the apartment in hopes of not seeing Jake anywhere, for now, let's just say that it didn't go as planned.

While Ni-Ki was busy taking his shoes off, Jake walked down the stairs with a death glare present on his face. He was rather furious and worried for him.

"Where were you?" Jake glared at the younger who simply gulped out of fear.


And so Ni-Ki started running. Yeah, he did. He somehow escaped Jake who was ready to spank him and ran upstairs with Jake following him.

He is going to murder me, I bet that he has a knife hidden somewhere under his shirt-


Wait that doesn't make any sense-

He heard Jake knocking on the door of their shared bedroom. "Ni-Ki, open up," Jake said a bit tired, probably from all of the running.

"Uh-" Ni-Ki gulped out of fear as he held their bedroom key in his hand while still pressing onto the door even if it was already locked.

"I won't hurt you, my child, I just want to know where were you for so long," Jake said as he sighed.

"Fine..." Ni-Ki placed the key in the keyhole and was about to lock the door but suddenly he had a thought on his mind.

"Under one condition, you have to promise me, that you won't spank me or I won't open the door," Ni-Ki suggested in hopes that Jake would agree with him. "Okay," Jake said. "It's not like I was going to do anything to you anyway." Jake sighed.

"Wait, so you went out with Hoon?" Jake asked him as he eyed him suspiciously. "Yup." Ni-Ki smiled. "So, he didn't work overtime today?" Jake questioned.

And I messed up again...

"Uh, I saw him working there so I wanted to get to know him better..." Ni-Ki shrugged. As that was true, for some reason he irritates me... But, he is nice though... Ni-Ki sighed.

"Is that so?" Jake smiled. "You seemed like you didn't like him that much." He chuckled. "Uh, well who wouldn't be if he fought with you and all that-" Ni-Ki bit his lip as he didn't know how to explain properly.

"I mean you did say to that girl that he likes her-" Ni-Ki glanced down. Maybe, I judged him too quickly. What if he was crushing on that girl for months?

"Yeah, I need to properly apologize to him..." Jake pouted. "I didn't mean to say anything and I promised him that, but it just slipped out..." He glanced down at that while Ni-Ki felt bad for him.

"Maybe I am not good with secrets after all."

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