Chapter 3

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"Jake, how could it just slip out of your mouth that I like her?" Sunghoon glared at him while Jake could only bite his lip at that. Ni-Ki was sure that his Jake hyung didn't particularly mean it, so that's why he defended him.

"I apologize, Sunghoon-shi, right?" Ni-Ki spoke. He was pretty nervous to even defend anyone, but that was Jake hyung, his only friend, a person who helped him when his parents died in an airplane crash. He felt like it was his duty to do that.

"What do you want?" Sunghoon turned around as he rolled his eyes. "Can't you see that I am upset now?" He glared at him while Ni-Ki gulped out of concern.

"I am sorry to hear that, but I know that Jake hyung didn't mean it..." Ni-Ki glanced at Sunghoon as he shrugged his neck. Sunghoon sighed. "It's not that I don't trust him, kid it's just that..." Sunghoon sighed as he turned his head to glance at Jake. "I am slightly disappointed." Ni-Ki glanced down. Now, I feel bad... I know that it's not my business, but...

Jake hyung must be disappointed in me-

"Ni-Ki you don't need to defend me, thank you," Jake said as he softly smiled at him. "Wait, is he the kid you've been talking about?" Sunghoon suddenly asked while Ni-Ki was surprised to hear that.

Sunghoon turned around to face Ni-Ki, while Ni-Ki observed what was happening. "I am sorry, for meeting you in that way." Sunghoon bowed.

"Park Sunghoon, Jake's so said 'soulmate'." Sunghoon glanced at Ni-Ki with a smile present on his face, while Ni-Ki was left stunned.

What do I even say-

"Uh, Nishimura Riki, Jake hyung's roommate." Ni-Ki bowed back at him. "Well, I guess that I am older than you, right?" Sunghoon asked. "I uh- don't know..." Ni-Ki glanced back at him while Sunghoon chuckled at him.

"This kid is fun." Sunghoon smiled at Ni-Ki, before turning his head to face Jake who was still kind of worried about losing a friend over a girl.

Sunghoon sighed. "I forgive you, but please next time don't say anything to anyone who I am crushing on..." Sunghoon scratched his neck as he glanced at Jake who quickly nodded in return. "I promise, Hoon." Jake smiled at him.

"I am sorry, Ni-Ki-shi for leaving you like this, but I have ice skating practice," Sunghoon said as he turned his head to face him. "Uh- no worries hyung." Ni-Ki politely smiled at him. "Your ice skating practice is that early?" Jake asked already worried.

Sunghoon glanced at him as he nodded. "Unfortunately, yes..." Sunghoon sighed. "You can all come to see me ice skate next Saturday." Sunghoon smiled.

I am not sure if I like this guy or not... Ni-Ki sighed at that thought. "Sure, I can bring Ni-Ki with me as well," Jake said as he smiled brightly. "That's a good idea." Sunghoon smiled. "I can teach you how to ice skate if you'd like to." Sunghoon smiled at Ni-Ki while Ni-Ki smiled back at him.

"Well-" Jake was about to say something but was stopped by the bell. "Come, Ni-Ki I'll show you the way to the principal office," Jake said, and soon after that Ni-Ki followed.

"Interesting..." That was the last thing Sunghoon had said before he left the school.

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