Part VII

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Astrid couldn't believe her eyes, her father was in front of her with Snotlout Jorgenson also. She looked at Hiccup and he had the same expression as her and her mother. "Dad what are you doing here I haven't seen you since I was 7" Astrid walked down with Hiccup right by her. "Well I thought it was time to see my baby girl again" He said as he stepping forward. Astrid mother stepped over to Astrid and Hiccup. "Darling you must tell him about you two" Astrids mom said this to her and Hiccup. "Time for what dad, you to come in with Snotlout and just expect everything to be ok. Well it's not ok. The day you left I fell apart, we had to go over to see the Handcooks for help Dad. I'm ashamed to even call you dad at this point you are like a stranger to me and my mother. I can't explain what it feels to be seeing you again because I never wanted to see you again" Astrid screamed this at her father. Hiccup took her in his arms and calmed her down. "Shh Astrid I'm right here let's get down the stairs please you need solid ground". Astrid stepped down the stairs like Hiccup said. Once on solid ground and not on the stairs Hiccup could calm her down. Astrids mom looked at them and noticed one thing Astrid had on. What Astrid had on caught bother her mom and dads attention. Hiccup finally got her calmed down and allowed her to gather her thought. "Astrid why do you have that necklace on" Astrids father said this. "The necklace Hiccup gave me after you left mom and I" Astrid walked closer to her father. "Wait are telling me you and Handcook boy are dating?!" Snotlout chimmed in. Hiccup stepped forward and took Astrids hand. "Is that a problem Jorgenson" Hiccup asked. Astrids dad couldn't believe his hears, Stoicks son was dating his daughter. No one could be more upset then him at this point. "You are telling me you, Astrid Hofferson, are dating Hiccup Handcook. You were raised a Hofferson not a Thorston or a Handcook. I knew I should've taken you when I left but no I had faith in your Mother to raise you like a Hofferson daughter. I was wrong she failed you as a daughter and a Hofferson. If I had taken you with me you and Snotlout would've been married by now and you would've made your ancestors proud. You two would have been a force to be reckoned with!" Astrids dad was screaming by now and Astrid had tears in her eyes. Astrid mom was trying to push her husband out of the door, however he was not going anywhere anytime soon. Hiccup was about to go help when he decided to calm down Astrid since an angry Astrid was not something anyone wanted or needed to deal with. As her father kept talking, the more angry Hiccup became with him, how could a father talk so little about his daughter. "I'm sorry but did you just say you were ashamed of Astrid Hofferson? This women is fierce, scary, loveable, kind-hearted, and the best women to ever hold the name Hofferson to walk this earth. Her mother did an amazing job raising her to be that young lady. Both of then respect a people as they deserve to he respected. As a man I am proud to be doing this in front of you, Mr. Hofferson, and Snotlout not just because it will be fun but because it is needed". Hiccup turned to Astrid in that moment and knew that what he was about to say was something he had practiced 12,000 times in his mirror. "Astrid I know you just broke up with the biggest jerk in the world, but I've loved you since the moment you came to my house at the tender age of seven. I watched you go through so many breakups, failing grades, and so much more but I promised I would always be there for you. I still promise to always be there for you in both the dark and the light. With all that being said, Astrid June Hofferson will you be my girlfriend and make me the most happiest teenager to walk this earth?" Everyone in the room had there mouths open all the way, however Astrid did not need the approval of anyone in that room. In this moment Hiccup was not asking to be his girlfriend for the grades or the popularity of dating her, he was asking cause he cared about her and only her. She truly had been blind before by not seeing what an amazing guy was before her all along. With that she kissed Hiccup with passion and whispered against his lips "was it ever a question, yes Hiccup I'll be your girlfriend". Astrid mother had never seen her daughter more happy, her baby had finally landed an amazing guy. Her mother could not wait to see the marriage proposal because that girlfriend proposal put her engagement into question. Everyone was happy but Astrids father and Snotlout.

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