Part IX

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Astrid was in her room. The cops had just taken away her father and Snotlout but still she was a wreck. Astrid still could not believe her father had come to her house just to make things right. Hiccup knew she wasn't taking this well so as the great boyfriend he was he went up to see how she was doing. As Hiccup walked up the stairs he noticed her playing with the necklace he gave her when they were 7. "This necklace means everything to me Hiccup because it had gotten me through hard time. It reminded me of how I had to be deadly just to get some one to like me but I didn't know that you'd be there for me through anything". Astrid was not in tears over this one little thing. Hiccup was comforting her by hugging her but it wasn't working. Hiccup knew he had to tell her about it but he didn't want to. "Astrid I need to tell you this, I've wanted to but I was trying to find the right time. Astrid that necklace has a second part to it. What your wearing is only the deadly nadder part but what I have is the other part." Hiccup pulled out of his pocket a second charm of a Nightfury. Astrid gasped at the sight of the black Nightfury charm. Hiccup gently took off the necklace and placed the second charm on it. After he placed the charm on it he placed the necklace back onto Astrids neck. Astrid looked up at Hiccup and said nothing because Hiccup already knew what she wanted to say. Hiccup and Astrid stayed up there just talking and cuddling. It was now 8pm and Astrid was asleep in Hiccups arms. Astrids mom came in to see her sweet little blonde asleep on the brown headed boy. Hiccup looked up a motioned to the sleeping Astrid. Her mother knew just to leave her alone since it always ended up bad for her and Astrid. She brought Hiccup blankets a pillows so he could spend the night. It was starting to get the usually around the House since it was the second night in the row. Before her mother left she told Hiccup the thing she had wanted to tell him all these years. "Hiccup you are the only one she has ever needed. I remember when you told her you would always stay with her, well she never forgot that. You helped her when she was failing Algebra 1 and her teacher told her she would be held back, you stepped up and was at this House every day working with her. Your father and I were always in your guys corner but we needed you both to see you were made for each other. Thank you Hiccup and take care of her please. " With this Hiccup nodded his head and muttered a small I will. As he held Astrid he knew he could get used to holding Astrid in his arms and being there for her. She never had a man in her life other then the boys she tried to date. As Hiccup drifted off to sleep he did not know what was to come that night but knew he was content holding his girl all night long.

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