Part X

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It was 1am and the whole house was asleep. Not a creature or person was awake but then it hit Astrid, a nightmare. Astrid woke up crying which woke up Hiccup cause she punched him in the gut to get up. He remembered her mother telling him about how Astrid kicked in her sleep but punching was a totally new thing. "Astrid what was that. I knew you could hit but Oh Astrid what is the matter". Astrid now was crying into Hiccups shoulder. " He came after me and you. I couldn't stop him, no one could. He then killed you Hiccup and forced me to marry Him. " Hiccup knew who she was talking about and it was Snotlout. "Well I'm right here so nothing to worry about Mi'lady". Thanks to Hiccup, Astrid had fallen asleep once again. Hiccup knew Snotlout couldn't come after them he was in jail with her father. He soon feel asleep next to Astrid and didn't worry about it. Snotlout though ended up being able to get off without going to jail and He was supposed to avenge Astrids Fathers. Snotlout decided to just live on with his life because he had no plan of action. Astrids father knew he could not get Astrid away from Hiccup so he finally had peace that his daughter found someone like Hiccup. Astrid though was scared out of her mind. After Hiccup fell asleep she woke back up and just layed there in his arms. She was scared that her father would attack her mother and her just because of her boyfriend. She just couldn't shake that thought out of her mind no matter how hard she tried sleep would not come to her. She had lost track of time but she knew it was seven am when her alarm went off. She got up and turned it off when Hiccup caught her eye. "You didn't sleep Astrid I know you didn't". Astrid knew Hiccup was right because comes to find out he was awake to all night. "Your right, after that nightmare I couldn't shake the thought of loosing you Hiccup. Guess sleep just wouldn't come to me". Hiccup walked over to her and hugged her. " I'm not ever leaving you ok. Now let's just get ready for school. We got a busy day ahead of us Astrid. But we do have to stop at my House first, if I'm gonna come and stay the night we need to get me some clothes." After they got ready, Astrids mom said goodbye to them, and they stopped by Hiccups place for him to grab some clothes to keep at Astrids. They were off to school and ready to present because nothing could come between a Nightfury and a Deadly Nadder.

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