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You wake up to the smell of your mothers
Famous pancakes you get up from your bed trying not to make any noise and make your way to the kitchen you see your mom pouring the batter onto the pan You decide to spook her so you hold your breath and crouch up Close

Y/N: Boo!

She jumps back hitting her
head against a cupboard

Mom: Ow!  Y/N don't sneak up on me like that you scared me silly ....I didn't even see you coming

Y/N: I'm getting good at that

Mom: What Would you even use that skill for?

Y/N: Ninja Stuff

Mom: uh huh....Anyways you hungry?

Y/N: yep

You walk towards the table and you pull out a tall chair and hop on top as you patiently wait you look around for your father

Y/N: Hey where's dad?

Mom: He had to leave Early for work Yknow him always Coming home late

She Flips two pancakes onto a plate with eggs, hash browns, etc. and walks over to your seat on the table

Y/N: Do you have to go to work today?

She lets out a quick sigh and answers your question with a moody tone

Mom: Unfortunately Yeah

Y/N: So I get to be Home alone?

Mom: Actually you'll be going over To Ed and Diana's home

Y/N: Who?

Mom: Our Neighbors Remember, they came to Your 6th birthday party they had a little girl your age too if I recall

You look at your mother with a
Disgusted look on your face

Mom: What?

Y/N: How Come you can't stay I don't want to hangout with that annoying little girl she kept playing around with bugs

Mom: Oh come on in a few years you'll be all over Girls you can Be with one a few days

Y/N: Days?! I thought you said I was just going over there for today

Mom: Well Im joining Diana on her vacation so get your things packed and please don't forget your tooth brush

You roll your eyes when she isn't looking and run to your room, As you are packing your Clothes your Knife that your dad gave you in secret falls out from the shelf you decide to take it with you so your mom doesn't find out about it later

Y/N: nice

Your mom yells at you from
the front door

Mom: are you ready yet I need to be there soon

You rush Towards her and she holds out her keys Unlocking the door. As you both get into the car you hear sirens passing by

Mom: buckle up

You fasten your seatbelt as she pulls out the driveway, the drive didn't take long as they were only down the street From your home. As you step out the car, you look as a Nice woman greets you at the door. She Looks young maybe 18 to 20 years old with Silky red hair that touches her shoulders

Authors Note here is some concept art for Clems Baby sitter Sandra:

Authors Note here is some concept art for Clems Baby sitter Sandra:

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???: hey Little guy

Mom: Introduce yourself

Y/N: Hey I'm Y/N and I really don't want be here

Your mom then grips your Shoulder Tightly

Y/N: I promise to be good

???: Hi there Y/N I'm Sandra C'mon Clementine should be Inside Coloring

Sandra takes your Hand And walks you inside as your mom Drives away

Clementine: Hi Wanna Come play in my treehouse?

Y/N: Uhhh...

You look at her for a minute noticing her blue and white hat and Her Clean White Skirt you think to yourself "She's uhhh she's uhm..." while your thinking she Grabs your arm and takes you outside you spot the tree house she was talking about

Y/N: Woah...Nice treehouse

Clementine: Follow me
She climbs the ladder leading up to the tree house Smiling at you as you follow close behind

Hours Later Inside

You and clem are exhausted after your day of playing and decide to rest on the couch the both of you are Sharing a blanket and Sleeping on opposite sides

Sandra: Awww, Now that's cute Wish i had a camera ready

She then turns the TV on Enjoying her Show when it gets interrupted by a news Broadcast

TV: there may possibly be a new disease spreading globally small cases of this rare phenomena causing said Victim to act Wild and Rabid almost animal Like The Government is handling it as best they can we advice you stay inside don't Interact with anyone Don't Go outside your home unless its for emergencies such as lack of food water and other Life sustaining recourses we will Quarantine Cities in your area

Sandra: I hope this gets resolved Soon

She sighs For a minute and then Gun shots can be heard outside She Wakes the both of you up

Y/N: W-What's going on? *yawn*

Sandra: Take Clementine into the treeHouse and don't Come out until I tell you

Y/N: What Why?

Sandra: Hurry

You wake Clem up and the both of you run into the tree house And wait there, you two talk for awhile but you get tired again and fall asleep

5 Hours Later

You hear Sandra Scream ....

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