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Your POV

Christa: "we need to stop." She says breaking the silence in the group.

Kenny: "what we need is to get to those boats." He sounded sure of himself.

Y/N: "where exactly are we going to find these boats?" You ask as politely as possible.

Kenny: "according to the map we don't have too long to go,  Keep a sharp eye." He replied.

Y/N: "speaking of sharp eyes,  Have any of you seen any walkers?" You ask out of Fear.

Omid Grunts in Pain as you all continue walking.

Christa: "we need to find a place so he can rest." She Demanded.


Y/N: "Kenny don't you think we should stop somewhere just in case, I mean this place could be swarming with walkers and we're all tired." You say trying to Keep the peace.

Kenny: "I appreciate the enthusiasm kid but this is an adult conversation" He boasted.

Clem: "can I hold it for just a second?" She said Gently as you turn around

Lee: "Not right Now." You could tell he wasn't Giving the walkie back to her at all

You face forward hoping you make it to your destination sooner, Your legs begin to wobble like Jello.

Duck: "dad, when are we going to stop?" He whined

You and the rest of your group Hear a Bell ring.

Christa: "holy shit someone is here."

Kenny: "relax it's automatic."

Lee: "what kind of bell goes off 20 past the hour?"
He replied

You then see a Figure Move around the Bell tower.

Y/N: "someone's up there." You Announce to the group

Lee: "Hey you up there!" He shouted in response to also seeing them

Chuck: "don't ask who the bell tolls for.." he says taking a small pause while looking in the distance

Kenny: "the fuck are you on about?" He replied

Chuck: "it Tolls for thee" the entire Group Turn to See another Hoard of walkers.

Y/N: "Uh Oh" you say as you Draw your pistol while slowly backing up.

Lee: "everyone RUN!!" He shouts as the group start Rush To the nearest place to hide from the walkers.

Clem Falls Behind With Ben, Walkers surround them and get closer by the second.

Lee: "Ben Help Her" He Shouts in Desperation.

Ben: "I.." he Hesitates and Runs away

Y/N: "Hold on Clem." You Sprint as fast as you can, dodging Walkers along the way

Clem: "Help." She cries out holding her hand out in your direction, but your legs can only go so fast

Luckily, You Get to Clem on Time You try leaving with her but as walkers surround you both you decide to push Clem out of the way.

Y/N: "Go with Lee!" You shout out to her as the walkers get closer.

They completely surround you Making a Barricade with their bodies, They reach their hands towards you so You start Blind firing into the pack.

Clem X reader ( seasons 1 - 4) Where stories live. Discover now