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Your POV

Your Group now waits on Vernon to Return
After discussing on the plan and agreeing you and Clem can Tag along.

Kenny: "hey check out what I found in this garage. Hacksaw, Hatchet, some other tools. Might come in handy on this little Break-in."

Lee: "Nice."

Kenny: "Lee can I talk with you a minute?" Kenny takes Lee away from the group to discuss something

Y/N: "Well There's probably gonna be a lot of guards and stuff so this is kind of like one of those Action movie Missions."

Clem: "My parents might be there."

Y/N: "Yeah, Sure" you're in complete disbelief

Clem: "Do you like Guns?"

Y/N: "Of course they're pretty Cool, Although I'm not sure I'm one hundred percent okay with taking lives though."

Clem: "Yeah I don't like killing People either."

Y/N: "Well we have time Clem you can Finish what you've been trying to tell me all this time."

Clem: "Oh uhm I forgot."

Y/N: "Well Yknow what they say if it was forgotten it probably wasn't worth remembering."

Clem: "No! I mean it is, was."

Y/N: "Did you really forget? Or are you just too shy to tell me."

Clem: "It's not that, I just want to tell you in private."

Y/N: "So it's something embarrassing? Glad you're comfortable telling me about it."

Clem: "Me too."

Vernon finally makes it but it seems he brought a companion with him.

Kenny: "Who the hell is this?"

Vernon: "this is Brie She can help us."

Lee: "Good, The more help the better."

Brie: "I was a Student at the school, I know the layout."

Molly: "then what are we waiting for." She says as she gets to moving

The Group Begin to Head out but Lee stops you and Clementine

Lee: "Hold up, You two ready?"

You and Clem in unison: "Ready."

Vernon: "woah hold on a minute you're not taking them with us are you? Did you not hear anything about the kind of place Crawford is?"

Y/N: "Well I guarantee I'm a lot more useful to the group than you and your friend You old Tumble weed and if you have a problem you can talk to my friend about it." You Grab the gun out of your back pocket making sure he notices

Kenny: "Well you heard the Kid, let's move out."

You all Head out to Crawford.


Clementine's POV

(Thought): I really hope I find my parents here Molly said this was the only place in savanna with people. I wonder what mom and dad will think about Lee, I mean he protected me and
Y/N all this time.

Lee: "Alright, Remember the Plan stay quiet, Stay Hidden, Stay Close, Stay together."

Everyone nods.

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