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These few Months You've had Gun training from Carley since she saw you were interested in learning, you also have a new member they Joined your group by offering food, he introduced himself as mark and you two got along easily, recently however the food has been running out so Mark, Lee, and Kenny went out into the woods to look for more food you and Clem have been playing with a ball for what seemingly feels like forever, she's also lost her hat.

Clem: kick it back Y/N

You kick the ball hard aiming it at Clem but she moved out of the way causing the ball to slam against the barrel causing a large noise, Lilly sharply faces Clem near the ball assuming she made the noise

Lilly: Clementine what did I say about noise?!
She says this sternly while trying not to be too loud

Y/N: Sorry Lilly that was my bad I kicked the ball to hard

Clementine then smiles at you and walks off to draw calling you over after Lilly scolded you

Y/N: did you need something Clem?

Clem: No, I just wanted to thank you that was really nice of you

Y/N: Oh no big deal it was my fault anyways

Clem: you could've gotten in big trouble and that would've been on me

Y/N: I got your back Clem so it'd be worth it

Lilly whistles alerting the Group to stay silent you all listen in suspense only to Hear Lee Shout

Lee: Open the Gates!

After the Barricade in front of the motel was moved Lee enters with Kenny, Mark and what seemingly looks like a dead body and a tall geek, They quickly set the body on the truck and asked katjaa to see what she could do. Then Lee makes his way over to you after he and Kenny had an argument with Lilly

Lee: Here you two go

Lee hands you a piece of jerky and Gives Clem half an apple

Clem: yay I love apples are there any more?

Lee disappointed with his own answer says

Lee: No

Clem: Oh

You watch clem color for a bit wondering how the group survived this long and Why You seemingly missed your parents and didn't at the same time, nothing made sense to you, as you were deep in thought you hear Lee scream and rush to see him fighting a Walker, you Decide to finally be useful to the group and Pull out the pistol Carley gave you, and Quickly shoot at the Walker you missed at first but then you take a breath and Headshot it Flawlessly

Lee: Holy shit...Good Job Y/N

You nod, looking towards your left you see Carley Smiling in a proud manner

Lilly: Glad we Have another Firearm

As you bask in the 3 minutes of fame you had in the group Carley then shouts at someone outside of the gate you can't see since the barricades are blocking your view, you hear them introduce themselves as the StJohns asking for some gas, the group does some thinking and decides to Trade some gas for food and checks the place out

Clem X reader ( seasons 1 - 4) Where stories live. Discover now