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Your POV

You all Make your way to the marsh House by rooftop due to the ever growing amount of walkers on the Savanna streets.

Duck Is tagging along since no one's going to be home to watch him hopefully he doesn't mess everything up.

Y/N: "Lee are you gonna make it?" You ask, desperately

Lee: "I don't know."

Y/N: "I think we should cut it off...the arm, maybe that might Stop it or give you some time.

Lee: "Maybe." He considers it for a moment but then Refuses

Y/N: "Shouldn't we at least try?" You insist

Lee: "Maybe if we had the Time or the tools."

Y/N: "Damn." You wait for Lee to gently scold you but he's practically sick

You Cross over from building to building, You see the Marsh house in the far distance.

Y/N: "at this rate we may not Make it to Clem hopping building to building is hard enough but I really don't have any other ideas."

Kenny: "Damnit, The kids right."

You all stop for a moment to catch your breath, you notice that some buildings in the distance aren't Close together enough to jump across.

Ben: "I think we Should Split up and-"

Kenny: "No one asked for your opinion."

Ben: "I know but..."

Kenny: "Look Lee's bitten Who knows how much time he has left, Clems with some fucking stranger who will do who knows what to her."

Lee's Walkie Cuts on for a moment.

Clem on the radio: "Lee?" She says in a weak voice

Lee: "Clem?!"

The stranger (radio): "She's with me and she's Safe if I were you I'd choose my next words Very Carefully Lee Everette."

Without even thinking about it you snatch the Walkie from Lee's Hand.

Y/N: "I've got Three bullets with your name on 'em you monster."

The stranger (radio): "You must be the friend I've heard so much about...Don't worry Clementine's safe with me."

Y/N: "I'm going to Kill you mark my words."

—radio silence

Y/N: "I think we should split up."

Christa: "That's what we won't do."

Y/N: "look me, Lee, and Kenny can go get Clem we need you to take Duck outside the city and meet us there."

Omid: "The kids right, I'd only slow us down with my leg still healing."

Christa: "Fine...but you all better make it out safe and sound."

Christa, Omid and duck all leave Through the fire escape, After awhile of walking and Roof hopping you Get an idea.

Y/N: "guys I have a plan." You announce to the group

Kenny: "alright."

Y/N: "So we know how Molly distracted the Walkers with the bells."

Lee: "Yeah..."

Y/N: "We just need to find one of those bell towers."

Kenny: "The closest one is on the other side of town."

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