Chapter Two - New Friends

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16 months Later~


You're sitting in The Rain Cooking some weasel you found earlier, but the rain is making the fire weak.

Clem: "Christa Talk to us..."

So it's Been maybe more then a year, Christa Had a miscarriage with her baby which has left her depressed but when is she not. Omid tries To Cheer her up but she pushes him away whenever he tries.

Christa: "This'll never work." She says getting up and taking a look at the fire

You flip your ice pick in the air a couple times.

Christa: "Look at this it's pathetic, the woods too wet to burn... More smoke than flame, at this rate we'll be eating this for breakfast."

Clem: "What else can We do?"

Christa: "Find something that'll burn, maybe. I dunno. Won't be easy in the dark and in the rain... you should be doing this not me, Tending to a fire to cook and stay warm... it's something you have to be able to do Clementine, otherwise..."

You look into your backpack, Where you put a secret Journal, you lost the only pencil for it so it's just left on page 21 titled "Love letter to Clem".

Clem: "We can't Build a big fire at night, it attracts too much attention. Its dangerous when we're such a small group in the middle of the forest."

You notice how smart Clems gotten over the few years She's not that Sweet little girl anymore and she definitely had your heart.

Christa: "We need to eat don't we. We can't survive without food."

Clem: "I'm freezing." She says shivering a bit

You take your opportunity and Give Clem your Jacket helping her arms through your sleeves.

Clem: "Thanks Y/N." She looks at you and pats the area next to her on the log inviting you to sit with her

Christa: "You think this is bad? Wait till we get up to Wellington then talk to me about cold... if we make it." She says as you sit with Clem

She then continues her rant.

Christa: "we still have a couple hard months ahead of us. This Rain will turn to sleet, then ice, then snow."

Y/N: "That's not how that works..."

Clem: "Dork." She says smiling at you

Christa: "Point is that it won't be easy."

Clem: "Is it safe there?" She ask curious about Wellington

Christa: "safer than here, because of the cold... Or so they say. We just need to keep moving north."

Clem: "I miss Lee."

Even Just the hearing the name pisses you off, You weren't Sure who was to blame for him getting bit since everyone from before was Somewhat Guilty...including you.

Christa: "I'm sure you both do. I'm gonna go look for more wood you just keep the fire lit."

She walks away deep into the Forrest Leaving you and Clem alone.

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