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You all arrive to Macon in Kenny's truck just as you plan to drive through the city the Truck ran out of gas you, Lee, Clem, and Kenny's wife and son venture through the run down City Wondering if anyone is alive you come across a man bent down by a vehicle

Kenny: Hey you friendly?! we need some-

The man Makes a sharp turn towards the group Groaning at the same time revealing to be a Walker, The group Runs towards a convenience store with the word Everett on the front , A Walker catches Duck and falls on him as he gets ready to  bite him a bullet grazed your cheek and directly Hits the Walker in the head A Woman calls out to your group and you all end up in the store, the two women start Arguing, after awhile The old Man speaks up Clem sneaks off towards the bathroom

?????: Don't you people get it we've already seen this happen we let someone in with a bite and we all end up bitten

Katjaa: he's not bitten I'm cleaning him off there's no bite

?????: look at him he's covered in muck, the first thing he'll do is sink his teeth into his Mom then He might pounce On your kids

Kenny: he's Not Bit

?????: he is, and we're throwing him out now!

Lee: No! You don't touch that boy, you don't touch anybody if you want to get violent you old fuck well c'mon then Because it's me before anyone else in here!!

You hear Clem Scream And run over to her with Lee he falls Over But you being a Small Child Get to Clem fast enough to move her out of the way the Walker then tries to bite the both of you but Lee Pushes it down With the Woman from before finishing it off with her gun alerting the walkers Outside

?????: Are you Fucking serious

?????: Dad Calm down

?????: No we could've died because of this bitch and her itchy trigger finger

The commotion between the adults Goes on awhile you and Clem sit down With each other watching it all play out The Old Man topples Over his daughter Rushes to his side and as Lee Talks with them you hear her introduce herself as Lilly and her Father Larry

Clem: Hey Y/N

Y/N: Yeah?

Clem: What do you think of the sick guy?

Y/N: he's a Bit grumpy but aren't all old people that way, I'm sure He won't stay like that forever

Clem: I mean he did try to throw duck out

Y/N: I would've done the same if I thought he was bit too

Clem: I mean but he's our Friend

Y/N: well we don't know him like that

Clem: Well we should get to know him he seems nice

Y/N: Clem you trust anyone who seems nice don't you?

Clem: Why wouldn't I?

Y/N: Well sometimes bad guys Pretend to Be Good Guys and uhh what's the word....d-disguise

Lee then walks over to you and Checks in on you and Clem, after a Little Bit a man named Glenn discusses with Lee about Checking out a motel not too far From here Lee hands him the walkie he found at Clems House and let's him know to Alert us on the walkie if anything happens

Clem: So what do you think about all of this?

Y/N: all of what

Clem: everything that's happened so far

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