Ch. 2

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"Like I said, he left a couple books and family photos with me before his family left. I didn't get their new number before then, and I'm sure he'd want his stuff back. I really need a phone number or an email address, please."

"I'm terribly sorry, Miss Swan," the schools administrator repeated, "but that type of information is confidential. There is nothing I can do for you."

Aurora scoffed and headed for the door, pushing past the students that had formed a line behind her. It had been months since the Cullens had up and left town. In fact, the last time anyone had seen them was the night she had threatened Edward Cullen. At first, it seemed like everything would go back to normal after their disappearance, but Bella had locked herself in their room and stared out the window ìn heartache since then.

It became clear to Aurora soon after that, that things wouldn't be the same. The stench of depression rang through the Swan residence radiating off of Bella. She had constant nightmares that kept Aurora and Charlie awake throughout the night.

Her desperation for Edward suffocated Aurora, because it was obvious to her that she was the cause of her step sisters anguish. Unable to stand being in the same room as her, Aurora had taken to sleeping on the couch. Charlie constantly offered his bed to her saying he'd sleep on the couch, but Aurora insisted. This was her punishment.

She had only recently begun the hunt for the Cullens, wishing she could apologize and take it all back. The Cullens were so secretive though that it seemed no one knew anything about them. No address, no phone number, no emails: the only person in the world with that information was the stuck up administrator who wouldn't budge.

It seemed hopeless.

Just then her cell started ringing. She glanced at the screen. Jacob.

"Hey, Jake."

"Hey, Rora. Busy?"

"Yeah, getting ready for tea time with the Queen of England. You?"

"Well, I was wondering if you wanted to hang out. Bella and a few guys from the res are coming over, figured you might wanna join."

She went silent. Did her mean her Bella? She was out of the house? Aurora had tried for months to move her from the one spot in her room. After a few weeks it just seemed hopeless.


"Sorry. Yeah, I guess I could reschedule with the queen."

He chuckled. "See you in a few."


Aurora rushed to her car and jumped in. She peeled out of the school parking lot and headed for the reservation. How Jacob had managed to get Bella out of her room, she didn't know. Something was off about this, and Aurora wanted to see it for herself.

As she entered the area of the reservation, Aurora heard her phone buzzing. She took it out to see a text from her dad.

"Home from school?"

She sighed, she had forgotten to keep Charlie updated. She typed out a quick message, trying to keep her eyes between the road and her cell.

"Headed to Jake's. Bella's there."

Aurora looked up from her phone in time to see two boys crossing the road. A shorter boy with a grey sleeveless hoodie and black shorts, and the taller boy with a black tank and green baggy work jeans. Aurora hit the brakes and swerved to the side to avoid them.

She huffed in frustration and angrily undid her seat belt, exiting the car. Her bangs had slid across her face and her black cami had ridden a little high exposing her sides above her low rise jeans. She slammed the door shut.

Aurora - *FELIX V. PAUL*Where stories live. Discover now