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The cold house

The cold house

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Its 8.00 am in the morning when you try to snuggle in your bed more comfortably  to sleep.

But looks like no one wants you to sleep peacefully. Sudden sprinkles of water made contact with your morning skin......you jolted up and glare at the person who dared

"What..?!" You yelled at jackson who was smiling sheepishly

"Today is the final documentation of your mrs han's case nini wake the hell up"

The sudden realized made you cursed loudly

"Shit shit its 8 am right ..?" You confirmed whereas jackson joined your bed to sleep more 

"Yeah go get ready fast" jackson replied with his eyes closed seems like he just woke up  and came straight to your house

"Yah you're sleeping " you yelled but jackson just gestured you to get lost in your bathroom while he buried his face in your bed sleeping

-----30 minutes hence ----

"Yah you dumbo go take a shower and get ready you're obviously coming with me " you shook him very badly seems like he was sleeping on your bed now
He slapped back of your hand and groaned to take the bath

He got ready since he came with his clothes previously

"~~~ breakfast" he dragged you with him singing

"~~~ breakfast" he dragged you with him singing

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By God's grace today you came for breakfast on time since your brother and father go to office around 10.15 am

"Good morning ~~" you both sang and laughed awkwardly because none replied your greetings except your dad

"Ah my favourite duo come come " he smiled brightly

The maids served you and Jackson the breakfast and soon everyone on table started their breakfast

"Ahem ...y/n what about your recent case " your dad intentionally picked this talk in Hope maybe your mother and brother will appreciate your hardwork

"Yass mom we both won the case " you said happily and jackson smiled

But your smiled dropped when your mother gave you a cold look and your brother not even bother to look up from his plate

"So what ..... ask her how much did she cost that client of her for  one hearing ..?" Your mother asked

"Mom that woman was being abused since 5 years she didn't even have money to feed her son you expect me to charge her my fee..?!" You were raged

"Apologise this instant MIN Y/N" you brother spoke for the first time in the morning

"Wow just wow " you said and stood up with jackson

"We're done " you walked out with jackson

"Y/N COME BACK THIS INSTANT " your mother yelled

"NO MOTHER ENJOY YOUR BREAKFAST WITH YOUR SON" you were fighting with tears and jackson saw it

"You shouldn't have done that sunmi" you father sound disappointed

"We have invested millions In her studies just to let her open a public service huh..?!" Your mother snapped

"Do you got a shortage on money sunmi" your dad said

"No..I just want her to develop her career so that she will be stable in life" she clarified

"I know sunmi but the way your opting is wrong ... please understand that"

He patted her cheeks and walked out

"Mother" yoongi embraced his mother

"Why dont they understand yoongi if your sister continue doing this public service then one day she will not have her own money to survive "

"I know mumma she will one day "

"I wish"

"My cutie pie will you give me the honor to take you for  breakfast" Jackson dramatically bowed and asked for your hand

"Sure peasant let's go" you were smiling

Jackson always lifts up your mood

I shouldn't have expected an appreciation from my mother and brother

I shouldn't have expected an appreciation from my mother and brother

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