| CHAPTER 56 |

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 I sat grumpily as she cheerfully handed me her "tea," which was simply water with food coloring......My 3-year-old sister decided to invite me to her tea party today

"This is milk tea ......this is ginger tea ...... this is a Black tea; this is a white tea." she rambled as she explained me all types of teas she had in her 'shop' 

"Oppa! Do you like blue tea?" She excitedly held my hands and gave me her best puppy eyes...

Without a word, I nodded .... she squealed and prepared me her 'blue tea'

"Oppa ...Appa also loved this one! you should also try" Y/N handed me her Tea, with a blue food dye mixed in it.... The dye was edible, father specially brought it for her 'tea' party

"Yoongi, your friends are here......they are calling you for a baseball match-" Mother called for me ...but when she entered, she abruptly halted on her place ...

Her face held a shock, she immediately ran towards me...

"Yoongi! What are you doing! .... You are a boy, and boys don't play with girls like this!

"Omma, Oppa was just drinking my Tea, please let him ..." My sister requested her mother with her infamous puppy eyes, but mother was too persistent ...she held my hand and stood me up, the blue tea in my hand spilled over my sister's dress...

More tears gathered in her eyes ....

"No Y/N, don't drag your brother in your games .... he's a boy and he will play with Boys...." She dragged me out of my sister's playroom when I heard her shout 

"Oppa is so bad! I will never call Oppa again!!"

I know mother also heard her, but she just smiled towards me and crouched to my 7-year-old height 

"She is just a kid Yoongi, don't mind her" 

'Don't mind her'

I'm not sure when those statements became my life's guiding principles; ever since that day, Y/N has never asked me to play with her; only Father has engaged in play with her.

I don't know whether I should blame my mother for this, she always wanted me to be a boy, A Man...

A boy, A man who doesn't sit with his sister to play with, A man who never pampered his sister 

Mother trained me to never think about my sister; as a result, I entirely disregarded her existence.

Perhaps it explains why. Y/N was accustomed to solving her issues on her own because no one ever seemed to understand her...

But now......that my mother was finally not breathing under my neck, I realized how wrong my mentality was ....

mother wanted me to be a man, but she made me a ......jerk 

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