| CHAPTER 61 |

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The room lay ensconced in darkness and gloom, a disheveled figure of a man slouched across the crimson couches.

His head dangled precariously over the couch's edge, while his legs hung on the opposite side. He hummed an eerie tune in his gravelly voice.

His bloodshot eyes bore witness to excessive alcohol consumption.

Abruptly, he ceased his melody and burst into manic laughter.

"Min Y/N... You've got some nerves to cross me..." He hurled an empty glass bottle across the room.

"Fucking bitch!"

Kim Taehyung's heart seethed with wounded pride. Ever since he'd confirmed that Min Y/N was the one who held the key to his downfall, he'd been restless.

That girl had effortlessly planted in his organization, using Lee Taemin, his associate, as her pawn, and had made off with his hard-earned company records.

Reluctantly, he had to admit he was afraid—afraid of the repercussions if he didn't retrieve that file back.

It had only been yesterday when he'd received an anonymous call, accompanied by a photograph of the alleged culprit. Naturally, Kim Taehyung couldn't simply rely on a phone call.

His trusted men had verified it for him; they'd confirmed that the file was indeed in Y/N's possession. They confirmed when they saw her and her best friend, Jackson reading that file recording it diligently.

Even if he was a mafia, he still can't afford to torment his businessmen image to vanish. He needed to plan things .... carefully

Eighteen relentless hours had passed, and Kim Taehyung hadn't closed his eyes in fear. If he did, his empire would crumble.

Ironically, the once-feared Mafia King now lived in the shadow of fear, much like a cornered rat.

He was desperately scheming to find an opportunity to corner Y/N, but to his dismay, Min Y/N appeared to be an incredibly simple and routine-driven individual. Her life seemed to revolve solely around work and returning home.

She didn't even bother with grocery shopping; her brother took care of that.

She could usually be found in one of two places: either diligently working in her office or quietly tucked away in her room, either sleeping or working again. Taehyung's fingers practically itched with malicious intent.

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