| CHAPTER 52 |

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"What if I say

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"What if I say ...I am giving you a chance to take your revenge Jay-B?"

Jackson delivered it coolly while looking intently at that irritated man in front of him

Everyone can sense that Jay-B had a short fuse and he rages at the speed of light. Perhaps for this reason, he had been Kim Ju-Kyung's right-hand man for ten years....

The room suddenly went silent, like there was no figure breathing in there .... Water was trickling somewhere out in the distance...

Jackson's hopes were increasing moment by moment ...

But ......his hopes crashed when he heard a chuckle...

A deep, maniacal chuckle

Shivers ran down Jackson's spine

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Shivers ran down Jackson's spine ....... but kept his 'cool' facade on ....

Suddenly Jay-B stopped laughing and yanked that table in between them .... harshly to that glass wall ......He held Jackson's jaw so tightly that Jackson was surprised that it didn't break ....

"You think Kim Ju-Kyung and Kim Taehyung are that easy to take revenge on ?!" 

Jackson whimpered visibly and said something incoherent ....

"Get some help you fucker, because you have lost your fucking sanity!" Jay-B clenched his jaw and held his jaw more tightly 

"Do you even know who they are?!"

Jackson was whimpering in pain as he could feel his cheeks bruising from his nails....

Jay-B left his jaw, practically yanking Jackson's whole face to right ...

"Kim Taehyung will burn this world apart if anything happens to his father...." Jay-B coldly glanced at the violently coughing Jackson 

"Y... You didn't understand me Jae-Beom" Jackson crocked out and stared straight in his eyes ...

"We are not going to kill Ju-Kyung, Jae-Beom......It's just a little help.... you help me, I'll help you..."

We Met Again ~ KNJ FFWhere stories live. Discover now