| CHAPTER 21 |

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Next morning....yoongi stirred up in sleep.... he groaned softly intended to turn around to his right to avoid sunlight that was illuminating his face .... disturbing his sleep

but he frowned in his sleepy state when he felt a weight on his left hand ......like it was clutched with something tightly 

he slowly opened his eyes and diverted his vision towards his left hand 

he was pretty shocked to find his little sister sleeping there with her face on his hand and the whole body resting on the cold floor 


his eyes opened and he sat down slowly not wanting to disturb his sister's sleep

he rubbed his eyes with his right hand ....to get rid of his remaining sleep

when he was finally awake, he brought his right palm towards your cheek...and caressed it softly

"y/n..." he tried to wake you up with soft whispering 

"y/n... Nini...wake up..." he voiced out a little 

your eyes opened with some soft whisperings 

you groaned and lifted up your sore eyes......to meet your brothers worried ones 

"Come here..." he said in his morning hoarse voice 

you climbed up the bed sweepingly and sat beside your brother placing your head on his lap

"Shit....my neck and back are killing me" you whispered when you found comfortable position for your body

he smiled lightly and cresses your hair while you hummed in relief 

" Then who told you to sleep on the floor with your face on my hand...."

listening to him glimpses of last night stormed over your mind...

your mood got sudden melancholily

yoongi noticed your face and confusedly asked 

"What happened Nini...?" he asked with soft caring voice that your eyes brimmed with tears 

you buried your face in his stomach so that he can't see your face 

"I-I just got a terrifying nightmare " you silently hoped that he would believe you

Yoongi frowned...because he knows that his sister is lying

'Why are you lying y/n..?'

"Y/n....I know that's not true..." he massaged your scalp, and you closed your eyes in embarrassment that you got caught

"The fearless lawyer min y/n got fright of nightmare...do want me to believe that...?" He said softly

You looked up and saw your brother looking at you

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