| CHAPTER 27 |

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somewhere in Seoul, south Korea 

"I think there is no more evidences left sir ..." the man with dark hairs and sharp jawline uttered

" the man with dark hairs and sharp jawline uttered

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"Are you sure?" jukyung questioned 

"yes" that man answered looking straight in his eyes 

"Well...it's good for you ...otherwise you know what can I do..." jukyung answered coldly 

indicated with his index finger to leave him alone 

"Ha......now let's see what can you do little girl" jukyung smirked

"And what about the daily routine ajhumma ?" a cheery voice asked to the old lady excitedly 

"Daily routine!  you know my Kyung wakes up early in the morning" that lady in mid-forties smiled dreamingly and looked at the sky above 

"Wah.... early in the morning ...I wake in the afternoon " 

"You dumbass ...don't compare your lazy self with my Kyung " that lady slapped his arms lightly

he scoffed mentally 

'mY KyUnG'

"ha-ha ...your Kyung have no Comparision Ms. song " 

 song " 

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