| CHAPTER 75 |

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"His wife left him because he used to kill to people " you spoke glancing at him, sitting in a quiet library you both were analyzing a case study which was your current assignment to complete

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"His wife left him because he used to kill to people " you spoke glancing at him, sitting in a quiet library you both were analyzing a case study which was your current assignment to complete. 

"Well...what could we expect from a psychopath?" Namjoon scoffed lightly, before typing away the remaining assignment. 

"But we can't ignore the fact that he murdered people to gain her attention..." you muttered reading the case law carefully. 

"She left him because he murdered people then he murdered more people to gain the attention of his wife? what nonsense is this!"  Namjoon slammed his head lightly on the table gaining the attention of the librarian. you hissed lightly before placing your hand on his forehead preventing him bumping it strongly.

"His testimony says, he loves his wife very much, after they got married, he didn't kill anybody....but when she got to know, she left him "

"Love? more like obesseion"  Namjoon muttered  he was hurriedly typing whatever decision came to his mind 

"How cute" you cooed; his hands abruptly stopped assuming it was him you complimented but got the shock of his life when he saw you cooing over the couple photo of the case study. 

"Cute? this is disgusting!" Namjoon scowled looking at the photograph 

"How dare you! you can't disrespect their love like that!"  you slapped his bicep lightly 

"Bullshit......there is no such conception like love this was his obsession, he murdered 14 people in one week!" Namjoon spoke in convincing tone, but you were already lost reading out their love life. 

"Obsession or love, but this is so.....fictional character coded" your eyes sparkled with weird fascination, weird because Namjoon was already repulsed with you. 

"So, this is what you read all day in this library?" Namjoon mumbled to himself, dozens of times he has seen you in library, but never in his dreams he thought you were interested in such stuff...

"Now, I hate this 'Love' feeling more" he whispered 

A pang slashed your excited heart just as he said those words, your crush hates the feeling of Love and here you were dreaming about possibilities with him.

"Everybody is confused about this feeling untill....they fell in the trap of this love....." You whispered softly clearing the sheets sprawled around the table "Love has a power to terrorize the sense of a completely functional brain. A person in love has a capacity to ruin everything and to gain everything if your lover desires that...." 

"We simply can't tag this man as a psychopath when he's just a man in love" you smiled looking at the picture again

"But law doesn't work with emotions " Namjoon stated coldly, his mind was only concentrated on the practical aspects of this case study. 

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 10 ⏰

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