| CHAPTER 49 |

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"That bastard can't be winning all the time, can he?!"

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"That bastard can't be winning all the time, can he?!"

Namjoon threw the papers off his desk and scattered them all over the floor. he was furious ....so much furious, that he was ready to go jail in the charges of Kim Ju-Kyung's murder

"You did so well ...my little nephew.... just keep it up and win me over this case..."

Those were the exact same words, Ju-Kyung whispered in his ears after the court hearing ...

Namjoon was raged enough, and those whispered words by Ju-Kyung acted like a petrol 

Namjoon swears he was ready to strangle his uncle then and there

His pathetic excuse of Uncle, just made him disrespect the girl he was fond of ....and that Namjoon couldn't get his mind off 

Namjoon's sole defense was that he was in a panic....

The circumstances in that courtroom ...took such a dangerous turn .... that his mind was left blank ...he was worried about his family's safety ...

All of these thoughts instantly entered his head, and as a result, he blurted out those words, which he afterwards regretted.

"Why are you looking for publicity Miss Y/N?"

He never wanted to accuse you of such a disgusting act .... but he was helpless at that time 

He needed to pretend ...in front of Kim Ju-Kyung that he was working just fine ....so that His uncle won't do any harm to his family and to you

Namjoon is prepared to keep his infatuation with Y/N a secret until this case is over because he is aware that Ju-Kyung still isn't aware of it. 

Because by any chance his uncle got to know about Namjoon's interest in you ......he will not leave any opportunity to harm you and pressurize Namjoon 

Namjoon was now concerned, but for what? 

That perhaps he offended you, making you hate him even more.

His mind was anxious .... he didn't want you to hate him more .... He wanted to apologize to you ...and make his side clear ...for some reasons 

He had a lot of other stuff to do, but the prospect of you disliking him even more overwhelmed everything.

"Don't hate me more Y/N .... Don't make this hard for me..." He mumbled and bit his lip 

His finger tapped furiously over his phone to look for your contact .... few seconds later your contact profile 'My Future wifey' popped on his screen 

He smiled a little looking at the unique name he has given to your contact number ...

His finger was hovering over the number while he was in deep thoughts ....

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