| CHAPTER 74 |

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His old eyes watched the most heart shattering thing for a father to experience, to see your child in immense pain

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His old eyes watched the most heart shattering thing for a father to experience, to see your child in immense pain. He clenched his fist tightly and bit his lips to conceal his inner storm which was threatening to spill out. 

Kim Soo-Hyuk never bowed in front of the bad times, always faced everything with his pleasant smile. He calls it destiny

destiny, when his wife died 

destiny, when his youngest son did the biggest blunder to be considered  

destiny, when his family was attacked by his own brother

But this part of destiny was not accepted to him, being the youngest Namjoon was always his first priority as sad it sounds. Namjoon didn't even start remembering his mother's face when she died. 

A tear silently yet containing the depth of emotions slipped from his eye, he sniffed and opened his mouth to take a deep breath when a soothing hand patted his shoulder. 

He turned and saw his second strongest pillar after his wife, his first son. Seokjin stood them with guilt in his eyes. He immediately dived for a hug from his father which was absolutely essential at that time. 

"Jin...he is in so much pain" his father cried on his elder son's chest, he was unaware of the whole fiasco until he got the call from Seokjin that Namjoon and Y/N were admitted in the hospital. 

For a person in a fragile age like Kim Soo-Hyuk, he went numb for minutes but woke up when Seokjin called for him urgently. Don't label him as an irresponsible father who slept through the night peacefully when his son was kidnapped, he was kept unaware  by Seokjin for a reason. 

but when the situation got out of limits like a child who cried on his mother's lap Seokjin finally called for his father informing him about Namjoon's condition being serious.

Same happened on the other side, Mr. Min also received a call from Yoongi informing him that his daughter was found but now was in a serious condition. at least he knew his daughter was kidnapped but still his feet worked faster than his mind he immediately ran out of the villa with Jackson following him closely. 

It was like their world suddenly lost its color, the two fathers sat with their heaviest hearts, their children were in pain and it was gauging their hearts outs. 

few hours later, their agony subsided when they heard the doctor's words  

"They are fine just sleeping with medication...."  The doctor patted Yoongi's shoulder and smiled encouragingly

A huge sigh of relief left from his mouth, he covered his face with his palms and sniffed lightly, "Thank you...." he whispered silently to the doctor, the doctor just smiled but gasped loudly when he was tackled in a hug.

"Thank you!!" Jungkook cried on his chest and hugged the doctor with his life, "Thank you so much!"

Seokjin on the other side sat on the metal chair with a thud, he clutched his mouth to conceal his sob which was a difficult time for a minute. The brave calm facade of Kim Seokjin finally crumbled down, he cried to let it go.

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